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Unknown seeds - any ideas please?


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  • Unknown seeds - any ideas please?

    I have been given a big dry pod which has split and papery seeds have come out - picture attached.

    I think it came from Spain.

    Does anyone have any idea what they are please?

    Kind regards

    MrsB x
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Size - doh!

    Oooo, I forgot to indicate the size.

    The big dry pod thing is 7cm long and the papery seeds are between 1cm and 1.5cm long.

    MrsB x


    • #3
      Hard one Mrs Bond. Why not plant a few seeds in 3" pots and let us see the leaves. I'll bet some grape knows what they are then.

      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


      • #4
        Seeds sown

        Thanks for the reply.

        I have popped six of the seeds into pots in the heated prop as they came from a warmer climate.

        Will post a picture when and if they emerge

        MrsB x


        • #5
          that looks like it could be Jacaranda to me? a tree, native of brazil i think, which has amazing lilac coloured flowers/blossom. google-image it, you'll be amazed!
          i have some seeds for this too, and you've inspired me to plant them!


          • #6
            Indeed, that looks exactly like what I have.

            The seeds and pod, and even the way the pod has dried and split looks right.

            Will just wait and see what the foliage on the seedlings looks like as I managed to see the Jacaranda seedlings also.

            The tree is massive....if it is this, I planted 6

            I will have to learn the art of Bonsai methinks

            Still the flowers look gorgeous on the tree!

            Thank you.

            MrsB x


            • #7
              i know, the flowers look wonderful don't they! thats why i'm tempted to plant mine. but i'm wondering if it's possible to keep the tree to a manageable size?

              i'm bogged down with exams at the moment, so i'm thinking i actually won't get to try planting them until next year. perhaps you could give me an update a bit later on how yours do, so i know what i'm letting myself in for?

              glad i could help.


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