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Have built a raised bed and filled it with...


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  • Have built a raised bed and filled it with...


    Just wondering if I have done the right thing filling my raised bed.

    Bed is 1sqm and I have filled it with 210l of multipurpose compost, 100l farmyard manure, 25l rough sand and 75l topsoil. Have I done the right thing? Do I need to add anything else? Is the ratio of the ingredients ok? I don't have a compost heap so have had to buy all the ingredients. Also, someone mentioned adding grass cuttings, do I have to wait for them to rot a little first or can I put them on the bed start after cutting the grass?

    And finally, it only gets about 3 hours sun so what can I grow in it? I was thinking of growing carrots but I think I read somewhere that you shouldn't grow them in beds with manure, is this right?

    Sorry, for all the questions but I have the 'grow your own' bug and can't seem to stop.


  • #2
    Sounds absolutely fine but you are right about the carrots, they will fork.

    Leafy crops like lettuce, cabbage, leafbeet etc. don't need much sun.


    • #3
      I agree with the salad idea. With all that goodness you'll get a superb crop. 1m2 isn't the biggest space. I'd go for rapid turnaround crops like salad leaves, raddish, spring onion and avoid the huge plants like squash.

      Try a few things especially those you like eating!


      • #4
        Another thought, If you have you heart set on carrots you could perhaps try a little round type...Parmex or Paris Mkt....probably get away with those.

        Another suggestion is get an old dustbin (or similar) drill holes in the bottom. Then fill it up with compost and sand (plus screened topsoil if you like) add blood fish and bone evenly in the mix. Then plant in that...avoids carrot fly too as they don't fly very high. Must keep it all moist though.


        • #5
          Beetroot can cope with lower light levels, and you could pop in some canes and grow runner beans over the top if there is light higher off the ground


          • #6

            Now I just need to decide what to plant where and when. I think I will give baby carrots a try in the bed and in pots and just see what happens.


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