Because I got lulled into a false sense of security with the mild weather earlier in the year, I planted loads of stuff that was basically way too early, and it's all got way too huge before it can go out.
Two or three weeks ago I took a decision and cut down all the runner and climbing bean plants. It doesn't seem to have bothered them, and they've all started re-shooting, and I have room for them now!
So, following this success, over the weekend I did the same with all my tomato plants that were very leggy and beteen 2 and 3 feet high, and repotted them all into larger pots at the same time.
I wasn't expecting them to cope very well with it to be honest, but only a couple of them have shrivelled up and died so far, and these were two I damaged in other ways. I'll let you know how they get on.
I guess this wouldn't work with some plants so was wondering if anyone else had experience of trying this?
Two or three weeks ago I took a decision and cut down all the runner and climbing bean plants. It doesn't seem to have bothered them, and they've all started re-shooting, and I have room for them now!
So, following this success, over the weekend I did the same with all my tomato plants that were very leggy and beteen 2 and 3 feet high, and repotted them all into larger pots at the same time.
I wasn't expecting them to cope very well with it to be honest, but only a couple of them have shrivelled up and died so far, and these were two I damaged in other ways. I'll let you know how they get on.
I guess this wouldn't work with some plants so was wondering if anyone else had experience of trying this?