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my tomatoes are ill


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  • my tomatoes are ill

    the leaves on my toms have all curled up, and is as stopped growing;
    the flowers are beging to die also, i think i have been giving them to much water ,[ i know i have] if i stop watering them do you think they will recover.if so should i stop watering them and for how long . or do you thunk it is to late. (hope not) its just started to grow second set of flowers

    [ its a moneymaker] 8 plants all the same

    any advise to save them would be great
    thanks john

  • #2
    Ok first don't panic! Next, where are your plants? In the house, greenhouse outside (Ihope not!) Right now you've had time to think. No more watering from the top of the pots. Stand the pots on gravel and just moisten that for now. If the plants start to recover it was just over watering. To be on the safe side take a plant out and make sure there are no nasties lurking in the pot. Keep them out of drafts and don't spoil them. Good luck.


    • #3
      Stand the pots on some sheets of newspaper and let them draw some of the excess water out.

      Don't water again until the compost is dry when you dig gently down into the pot - don't worry about the top surface, if it looks dry it doesn't mean there isn't moisture below.

      They may recover, you'll just have to wait and see.


      • #4
        thanks mrs dog = cutecumber
        they are in a green house with a heater ,i looked at the leaves there seems to be no marks on them '
        the top leaves seem to be ok at the moment' i am hoping they will survive
        first time i have grown them
        how long can i leave them with out water,
        many thanks to both of you ,
        how long before i know whether they will survive or die?

        i will be upset if they die


        • #5
          how long can i leave them with out water,
          how long before i know whether they will survive or die?
          Impossible questions to answer, I'm afraid.

          It depends on how wet they are now, how poorly they are and what the weather is like.



          • #6
            they are inside [heated greenhouse] in flower pots[ 9 inch] its the leaves below the branches with the flowers on that are all curled up and feel dry ,

            thanks for your advice will just have to wait they havent had any water for 24 hours now and they are not getting any worse .dont suppose the bottom leaves will get better ,do they need them,



            • #7
              Not an expert here...but...I'd be tempted to repot them in slightly damp compost in bigger pots and a couple of inches deeper.
              Also - the next watering should contain some feed as if they have been overwatered then the nutrients will have been washed away.
              Planting deeper will encourage new roots to grow out from the main stem into the soil.
              Waterlogging causes baby roots to rot, so you have a hungry plant there and not many tiny roots to absorb the feed.
              Have they been in very bright sunlight?? This will cause the leaves to dry out and curl up ( I know cos I've done it!!)

              It may be a mixture of all these problems.
              Hope they pull through for you

              (If all else fails it's not too late to pop into the garden centre and replace them and just put it down to'll be fine next year!!)
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • #8
                thanks nicos will take your advice and repot them

                and keep my fingers crossed


                • #9
                  Me too!!!!
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • #10
                    It sounds like you have just lost the lowest, first seedling leaves ( the long oar shaped ones) this does happen to them eventually anyways so not to worry. I ain't ever seen a full grown tomato plant with them intact. Rest of the plant should be fine .
                    I don't fuss mine to much an they are now outside under fleece 24/7 ( south of england) , they get watered if there is no rain for a week an that has not happened yet, another week an they will be planted out proper.
                    Just use a modicum of common sense and if it looks OK and the compost feels moist if you poke a finger in it a bit, then the plant should be fine



                    • #11
                      hi all
                      toms are looking better today bottom leaves are still curled up but rest of plant looks healthy they had no water for 2 days flowers are opening up .
                      question:should i start to feed them now ?

                      thanks for all your advise i think i would of lost them without you.

                      very grateful john


                      • #12
                        Hi. mine are in a similar situation. None of them are drying up, it's just the top leaves of all three plants (Sun baby, moneymaker and Gardeners Delight) ar all curling up. Still nice and green and none of the lower leaves are showing any signs of damage of any sort.

                        Mine are in a conservatory with my Aubs and Courgettes/Pumpkins. South facing. and I have the heater on for an hour or so in the middle of the night to keep it warm.

                        I have repotted the GD into a 11" (30cm) pot, but those leave have curled more, but i did move it to a more prominent position - ie, more sunlight. Hoping it's just too much direct sunshine.

                        Any advice please?



                        • #13
                          Don't feed till the fruits start to set.
                          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

                 Updated March 9th - Spring


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