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Too late?


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  • Too late?


    I haven't posted on here for months because we gave up our allotment as we were moving from a flat to a house with a garden and planned to grow in the garden. Anyway, it all fell through and we're now still in the flat - no garden and no allotment

    So... I've taken over my parents' little garden and conservatory windowsills!

    My tomato seedlings got off to a bad start (overwatered by 'helpful' parents) and seeing them today I don't think they'll recover. I'm trying to grow tumbling toms (red and yellow) for hanging baskets, to make the most of the small space.

    All bar two are completely dead, two are very very small and poorly looking.

    Am I in time to plant some more this weekend, in a little heated propagator in the conservatory? Everyone seems to have big tomato plants already by now...

    Sweet peppers suffered the same fate. Is it too late to start again?

    My chilli plants are healthy, but tiny, just getting onto their first true leaves - these are in individual pots on the conservatory windowsill. Am I very far behind everyone else?!



  • #2
    Go for it,start again!It's a lot warmer now so everything will germinate a lot quicker.We gage everything by Easter and as that was early our time table's all over the place.I don't think it's too late,I'm still planting seeds and am sure they will be fine.
    Gardening forever- housework whenever


    • #3
      no not to late at all , mine are still little seedlings

      rain rain go away (2009)

      rain rain rain (2010)


      • #4
        Mybe cheat a little this year and get some plug plants instead? You will still have the end result but without the hassle factor of someone else looking after your seedlings.



        • #5
          Either buy the seedlings or sow again, it is not too late.
          If you want to sow again, choose the early maturing type toms like Red Robin, Balconi red / yellow ,tiny Tim etc.
          The same goes with early maturing pepper/ chili, they will grow and produce if sow now but the fruit will probably ripen around august or a bit later (you can always take the plant indoor to ripen the fruit).
          Last year I sowed my chili (Anaheim) on 5th May, immediately after the seeds package arrived and it's first chili ripe on mid to late August '07.
          Go for it and good luck .
          I grow, I pick, I eat ...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Michelle View Post
            Anyway, it all fell through and we're now still in the flat - no garden and no allotment
            My sympathies. Ours fell through too. Our own fault for not making our offer "subject to survey" ( I told him to write that on the offer )
            So, house-hunting again today, instead of gardening.
            I am digging over this new allotment as fast as I can, but we may not even stay in this area. you can't just give up though, can you.
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • #7
              still time to plant.lost a few of my toms just planted some 2 weeks ago,threw can go to dobbies & 3 for price of 2 (£2).got some about 3 weeks ago & looking very good.they also had loads of peppers & chillies


              • #8
                My local independent greengrocer has lovely tomato plants for a quid each. You'll find some near you in Hampshire.
                Our chillies have only just germinated, but are growing quickly. Plenty of time!
                Here's a list of what you can sow now: Grow your own meals - Times Online
                Last edited by Two_Sheds; 03-05-2008, 11:22 AM.
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9
                  Thanks for all the advice!

                  I've got plenty of seeds left so I think I'll just start again tomorrow.


                  • #10
                    Don't forget bootfairs - our local one always has loads of young plants for as little as 10p each.


                    • #11
                      Why not hedge your bets and do a bit of both? That way you're stillgoing to get something even if it hasn't all been sown by you from scratch. I'd vote for boot fairs too. Nurseries can be daft prices for veg plants. Often about a pound per tomato plant whereas boot sales they're more like 20-30p.
                      Good luck with the house hunting too. I've just come through the same scenario and now going to complete on the second house at last. Can't wait to get out of this flat!


                      • #12
                        Right then, I'm off to find where my nearest boot sale is tomorrow! Although I was really set on the tumbling varieties for the hanging baskets, due to lack of space.

                        I'll save money buying plants at the boot sale, but what are the chances I'll spend more than I saved on a load of old tat!?


                        • #13
                          And good luck with completing on the house pickledtink. It's tough at the moment, we just can't sell our flat. I love it here, but soooooo want my own garden - then I'll be searching for all the square foot gardening threads.


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