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Can i start my onions off in pots?


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  • Can i start my onions off in pots?

    Yes, I know i'm very late for onions, but thanks to my allotment issues (see thread in allotment advice forum) I haven't planted them yet. I have a new plot to move into this week, haven't even seen it yet so *if* I can get enough dug this year it won't be for a few weeks. Is there any way I can stick the onion sets in pots of compost for a month or so to get em going? (and if so, how much room do they need?) Or should I just give up on them?

  • #2
    Hello Sez, I think your onion sets will start well enough in containers. I'm growing my red onions in a bread crate and they're doing fine. I don't give them too much room as I use the thinnings for salads while I'm waiting for my spring onions.
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    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


    • #3

      I've done the same, but put them into modules; one per module and when I ran out of those; they went into pots.

      It gives them a head start, and as they will have roots when they go in the ground, this can help against the sets themselves [either] pushing themselves out of the ground or pigeons lifting them [whichever you believe actually happens].

      I left some in the car last night, and they have all spurted an inch's growth overnight - must have been quite warm then! I didn't get round to putting them in the lottie yesterday.


      • #4
        Hi Sez. I would get them planted into pots of compost straight away,it will get the root system started,i put my sets into 2inch pots you get from Aldi, it saves on compost and its fine for about a month till the roots fill the pot


        • #5
          I've sown onions for the first time this year and planted them into planters, with the intention of leaving them in there until ready to harvest.

          Is this wrong?
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          • #6
            Mine are in pots as well, due to not having any ground ready yet. They may turn out a little smaller if left for too long, but thats better than none at all.
            "He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart"


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