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what's up with my aubergine??


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  • what's up with my aubergine??

    I've got three aubs in the conservatory. two of them are going well (one of them better than the other), but one of them (see picture) is a bit poorly. I've had trouble with this one for some time. It goes droopy very regular and isn't as resilient as the other two. I'm not sure if I've watered it too much?

    I've put it outside for now, to let the sun god do some magic (but it's getting worse).

    I'm hoping it is just a case of too much water and will recover.

    Any suggestions?

    (ps - is normal concentrated tomato feed ok for aubs?)
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  • #2
    I would say from looking at it that it's in too big a pot and the compost is far too wet. Also you should never ever put a poorly plant in direct sunshine to dry out - that will take moisture from the leaves instead of the compost. Shady places with good airflow are the best for poorly plants.


    • #3
      If it doesn't recover, I'd be inclined to pull it out and have a look at the roots. If it's going up and down like a yo-yo, it may be starving to death and there could be a little nasty in ther chewing the roots.

      If it ain't broke, don't fix it and if you ain't going to eat it, don't kill it


      • #4
        I took the top layer of the soil out and replaced it with some fresh compost and placed the pot on some newspaper. It has recovered somewhat.

        Will it be ok in the same pot as long as I am more strict about the watering?

        The other two plants are doing well in the same pots (I didn't think you could have too big a pot??)




        • #5
          Originally posted by Norm View Post
          If it doesn't recover, I'd be inclined to pull it out and have a look at the roots. If it's going up and down like a yo-yo, it may be starving to death and there could be a little nasty in ther chewing the roots.
          The only soil/compost in there is the stuff from the original pot and some decent compost. If it's recovered, is it possible that there are some nasties in there? If so, how can I deal with them if the plant seems to have recovered? (It does seem to have a bit more of a shunted growth, compared to the other two, although that may be my imagination)

          Also, how often and home mush tomoato feed should i use?


          • #6
            I too would just leave the aub out of the sun to try and recover. I think you've been overwatering it and putting it in the sun (as has been already said) will only have made it worse. If it recovers it might catch up later in the season. I think you'd be okay feeding the aubs as you would the tomaotes - but I'm a bit lax feeding mine so you probably shouldn't listen!
            To see a world in a grain of sand
            And a heaven in a wild flower


            • #7
              Thanks. It seems better than the photo. But still a but slower than the other two. One of the other two now has 2 buds showing already...

              Oh well, will keep at it. Anyway of knowing if there are any nasties in the soil for the potentially poorly one? Or should I just monitor it?




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