Whilst weeding my raised bed which had my home compost put on it, I came across quite a pretty, tiny shoot, quite fluffy and pale pink in colour, looked a bit like it was emerging from possibly a peach or nectarine stone, so I popped it in a pot and hey presto...I have no idea what it is or what to do with it. Any ideas?
Also, in my greenhouse, again amongst the home compost I found a sturdy long leaved 'thing'. When I pulled this one out, it was sprouting from what looked like an almond. Potted this one up aswell and again hey presto...I have no idea what to do with it!
Both pictures attached. If anyone can shed any light I would be most grateful.
MrsB x
Whilst weeding my raised bed which had my home compost put on it, I came across quite a pretty, tiny shoot, quite fluffy and pale pink in colour, looked a bit like it was emerging from possibly a peach or nectarine stone, so I popped it in a pot and hey presto...I have no idea what it is or what to do with it. Any ideas?
Also, in my greenhouse, again amongst the home compost I found a sturdy long leaved 'thing'. When I pulled this one out, it was sprouting from what looked like an almond. Potted this one up aswell and again hey presto...I have no idea what to do with it!
Both pictures attached. If anyone can shed any light I would be most grateful.
MrsB x
