Originally posted by Snadger
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Don't plant out till May is out?
Have had most of my tender stuff out for a couple of weeks now. I do tend to push the boundaries but always have backup just in case. Tomatoes and cucumbers are out and the courgettes are going out tomorrow. Most of the tomatoes are in their final position and just getting their first flowers. Every one on the lottie has potatoes well up now and if we get a late frost every one is going to get caught out.
In that case I'm planting out the courgettes and squashes today. I have spares just in case!You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata
blog: http://allyheebiejeebie.blogspot.com/ and my (basic!) page: http://www.allythegardener.co.uk/
This link is to the UK Phenology Network's Springwatch maps, where you can see if Hawthorn flowering has been recorded in your area yet. You have to fast-forward to the most recent sightings, it begins with nothing on the map at all - a bit confusing! nature's calendar > maps
I've got 70 courgettes planted out already - 180 to go. After I plant them, I place old tyres round them - these protect the young plants from the worst of the winds, and also soak up heat during the day to give it off at nights - it also saves my mate paying to get rid of them from his tyreshop !Rat
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
Well, We always figure the beginning of May being frost free this far south, Although it has been known for there to be a frost in June -not for many many years) According to one ol' boy there were grown men weeping in the pub as their runners and spuds were cut down!
None the less I think you are optomistic to set out Tomatoes, basil or cucumbers etc. now, I have just planted out the first of the sweeetcorn in the sheltered garden at home and a load of beans at the lottie, plus a couple of courgettes and tomatillos.
It is incredibly warm here at night at the moment and everything coming on so fast. I am leaving a lot of stuff out all night in pots but It just gets to the point where I have too much stuff in pots to water and I have no room in the greenhouses. I had to start somewhere. �10 fine or take a chance! However, I have been doing this too long to risk it all. Exercise caution I'd say.
The May is out round here now. And the beans are climbing up me legs! They'll have to start going out soon!Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
I have same problems, with the mild nights all things are growing like crazy! Tomatoes are out, but fleece is close to hand, marrows etc really need to be out too as they are growing inches each day! Stand well back......help, should I? or should I not?? plant out....
We've had a really chilly wind here today
I put all my tenders back into the greenhouse last night and have done so again already today, I figure if I need a jumper on it's too chilly for my babies!
I looked on one of the long range forecast sites and it looks like temps for me are going down to 12-14c day time and down to 6c overnight in the next few weeks
How accurate that is I'll have to wait and seeNestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result
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