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  • Squash?

    Me again with another stupid question!

    My Squash have not germinated yet - i planted them two weeks ago - do you think they have had it?!


  • #2
    Originally posted by vegtable newbie! View Post
    My Squash have not germinated yet - i planted them two weeks ago - do you think they have had it?!
    Give them a bit longer, I would. They might just a bit too cold / too warm / too wet / too dry / too dark / too light / too deep / too shallow - or summat.

    My recurring mistake has been keeping the compost too wet - when I "gave up" and left my seeds alone they started to sprout even though I thought they had had it! I gave up on asparagus and now have, at the last count, 7 out of 12 sprouted, ditto my first sowing of mangetout which has produced 4 or 5 seedlings since I put the remaining 8 or 10 "goners" outside - on the naughty step - and sowed another batch. Pumpkins too - I sowed 3 pumpkin seeds and got 1 geminating almost immediately, the second was at least a fortnight later, the third is still on the naughty step... So - give them time, and a sound talking to, I say. And maybe sow a couple more just in case
    Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.


    • #3
      Mine took at least 2 weeks in the little greenhouse, in my big greenhouse - a good tip is to pot seeds, water, cover with a small plastic food bag and then dont water again, it worked a treat for me as the humidity watered them just enough.

      Good luck



      • #4
        I put mine in the airing cupboard for 3 days to give them a good dose of heat - they were up in less than 5 days - 100% germination too. Won't hurt to stick them somewhere extra warm for a bit, to give them a boost.
        We plant the seed, nature grows the seed, we eat the seed - Neil, The Young Ones
        Updated 21st July - please take a look


        • #5
          I pur 3 seeds in each of 6 pots in the polyshed at about 42c. Now I have 18 plantlets all doing fine. Keep em moist and warm em up.

          If it ain't broke, don't fix it and if you ain't going to eat it, don't kill it


          • #6
            I have had a lot of germination problems with my squash seeds. One batch I bought only 2 came up and they took weeks then out of the next packet only 2 came up again so at least now I have four!


            • #7

              It does require a bit a patience, which I tend not to have. If you are really curious to see how they are doing, very gently scrape away the compost till you find the seed. I did with mine and saw that they were just starting to grow so could then leave them be. Did you sow them on their side? This helps as they are less likely to rot. Mine are doing really well now as I kept them on our south facing bedroom window sill till last week and then moved them to the greenhouse.


              • #8
                tried again with my patty pan sqaush aiput three seeds in the raised bed sunday,wish me luck
                joanne geldard


                • #9
                  Thank you all very much



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