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only 2 of us


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  • only 2 of us

    I need to learn restraint, I have 60 peppers plants growing in the tunnel, 20 Cucumbers plants, 20Tomato plants, 7 corgettes plants 12 more plants , 18 drawf bean beans in 3 giants pots, 20 sweetcorncorn plants, 20 runner beans beans plants , carrots and grape vine, this is all in the tunnel.

    Outside 3 wigwams, with 16 runner beans plants in each, 100 leaks to plants, carrots in different places , and 100 cabbage plug plants on the go , 50 beetroot, 20 celeric, 15 rows of potatoes plus onuion s sharlotts etc

    Last edited by kittykat8; 17-05-2008, 01:26 PM.

  • #2
    Whoah, where do you find the time!!

    I mostly garden on my own - my sister hates it (and yet moans when I offer to relieve her of her small patch in the garden) and my mum is really busy.

    I could just garden all day!

    Unfortunately, school doesn't want to cooperate!!

    Last edited by Garden_girlie21; 17-05-2008, 01:23 PM.
    Whilst typing the above reply, I was probably supposed to be doing homework. My excuse: I'm hooked!


    • #3
      Well done, but yep, it's a bit much.

      Remember to freeze what you can and give the rest away. There maybe some homeless charities in your area who would love free veg.


      Ric Wiley


      • #4
        That is rather a lot of produce for 2! Maybe you could give/sell some stuff to school for dinners?


        • #5
          I'm not so far behind you and we are only two. Only wish I had poly tunnel. I have gone for variety this year and am looking to go to town on pickles chutneys etc. Some of the things I have not grown before are gherkins, achocha, pepino, huckleberry, tomatillo, golden berry and gojiberry. Hope you find homes for your produce KK8.



          • #6
            Originally posted by kittykat8 View Post
            I need to learn restraint,
            I totally understand. I think I was a bit excessive this year also. My reasoning is though that, as it's my first year of seeing results, I got a bit too excited and planted out more, and more, and more, ...I'm not worried about it though, there are loads of people I can give veg to. They shall not go to waste.


            • #7
              I wish I had the room to be excessive! Especially wish I had a polytunnel as the more 'tropical' veg (tomatoes, peppers, aubergines etc) cost a fortune to buy. There's only two of us but I'd love to be able to keep us in veg (both vegetarians).There's always someone you can give it away to though!


              • #8
                omg i TOTALLY know how you feel!!! For me and alan, and the two kids (who, let's face it, probably won't attempt much of the veg at all ) we have growing...

                8 standard bush courgettes
                7 'golfball' bush courgettes
                30 runner beans
                2 aubergines
                19 tomatoes
                25 chillies (various)
                30 peppers (various)
                12 cucumbers
                3 'atlantic giant' pumpkins
                4 butternut squash
                32 sweetcorn
                hundreds of carrots (standard and parmex)
                a few radishes
                a few beetroot
                3ft by 4.5ft bed filled with 'cut and come again' mixed chinese leaves (yummy they are too!)
                5 strawberries
                56 onions
                18 dwarf broad beans
                12 summer cabbages
                1 compost bag of potatoes
                all manner of herbs

                phew! i think that's it... i'm sure i'll remember more though! lol

                my aim is to blanche and freeze a lot of it, make chutney with some of it, and cook basic sauces with a lot of it, which can then be frozen and added to all sorts of dinners during the winter months!

                good luck with yours!!! great isn't it!

                Edited to add :

                Oops! lol. I forgot the gooseberry bush, the 3 rhubarb plants (which are mostly gone now, and been used for rhubarb chutney already) and the two HUGE victoria plum trees which should yield quite a few kilos of plums each this year!!

                Oh, and lots of nasturtiums for eating too!
                Last edited by Beki; 21-05-2008, 02:50 PM.
                1 pony, 1 dog, 2 geese, 20-odd wild ducks, a friendly pheasant, chooks, 3 veg plots (in the garden), a polytunnel, 2 kids, and the OH

                Am i mad?


                • #9
                  Took me ages to realise that just because it says 200 seeds on the packet, it doesn't mean sow all of them...
                  A simple dude trying to grow veg.

                  BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

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