Okay, was going to ask what I now realise is a daft question and ask if the purple flowers below were actually potatos or something more poisonous (aren't potatoes similar to the nightshade family? Hence my worry...)
I now realise that potato flowers aren't always just white thanks to google images but any idea if specific pots have purple and white flowers? The link I found said their photo were of Sarpo pots....
Below are my two different potato flower that are growing in my compost bin...

Any ideas appriciated. If they are particular typw of pots, any idea when I need to pull them or should I just wait until the foliage and flowers die back?
I now realise that potato flowers aren't always just white thanks to google images but any idea if specific pots have purple and white flowers? The link I found said their photo were of Sarpo pots....
Below are my two different potato flower that are growing in my compost bin...
Any ideas appriciated. If they are particular typw of pots, any idea when I need to pull them or should I just wait until the foliage and flowers die back?