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Radishes are bolting!


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  • Radishes are bolting!

    My radishes seem to be bolting, even thought they are a long way from forming much of a root! What might have caused them to bolt? I know it's normally when they're too dry, but could it happen because of too much water?!

    The radishes are in a window box, not waterlogged but not exactly extremely well draining. The pot is up off the ground, but the soil I used seems to really hold the water in. They only have full sun for about an hour a day (it's the only place I have to put any pots outside), and were planted about a month ago. The root is only about the size of the tip of my pinky finger.

    Any suggestions for more success next batch?

  • #2
    You've been too kind to them. They need free-draining soil and not too much feed. They do much better in open ground, but I have managed to grow them in large (6") pots of free draining compost. I think a water-retaining windowbox in the shade is a bit too much for them.


    • #3
      Radish are a bit fickle with regard to weather fluctuations. Very hot last week and quite cool this week is a good reason for them bolting. They tend to be reasonably cheap so take them out as soon as they bolt and when the bed is empty get another lot in. My swiss chard has bolted as well, but I have already sown another batch.



      • #4
        My coriander is bolting ... it's only just gone in, is really quite small, but the hot weather and now sub-zero temps is making it go to seed.
        Update: apparently it doesn't like transplanting: this can make it bolt - so next time I will sow direct.
        Last edited by Two_Sheds; 19-05-2008, 03:59 PM.
        All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


        • #5
          I've never had much luck with Coriander either, it seems to bypass teh leaves stage and go straight to the "fluffy" leaves and flowers..


          • #6
            Thanks Two_Sheds, that's obviously what's happened to my Coriander then.


            • #7
              Just seen that my radishes are bolting... awww
              My rabbit- for pruning the apple tree


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