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courgettes died!!


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  • courgettes died!!

    i planted out 10 courgette plants last week and only 2 seem to of survived. was i a bit hasty and planted them out to early? is it 2 late to plant some more seeds as i have some left.
    i am trying to clear a new plot and plant out at the same time.
    any advice greatly recived
    thanks gill

  • #2

    I sowed Courgette seeds direct into the ground in late June last year, and had a great harvest from 4 plants, so I wouldn't worry!
    The Allotment Directory - coming soon (watch this space!)
    Movember - I am growing a 'tache in support of men's health


    • #3
      Originally posted by nkp1962 View Post

      I sowed Courgette seeds direct into the ground in late June last year, and had a great harvest from 4 plants, so I wouldn't worry!
      im planting courgettes at the moment and will do until they really start to fail, i've found they survive best if once you plant then out cut a plastic bottle and put it over until they look really healthy and big(it stops the slugs as well)


      • #4
        I've had two courgettes out on the lottie but covered with a plastic cloche wotsit for just over a week now and they seem to be doing fine. I've got two more seeds sown to give a later crop hopefully. In my view, you have nothing to lose except a few seeds so might as well give it a go!
        Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance


        • #5
          I planted my courgettes last month and they now have quite big leaves.
          My rabbit- for pruning the apple tree


          • #6
            It was very cold at times last week, so that's probably what did them in. I would definitely plant more, I usually do at least 2 sowings anyway, then as the first ones succumb to mildew, the next are taking over!
            I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
            Now a little Shrinking Violet.



            • #7
              Welcome to the Vine Mamas - Inc. I think your courgettes hace been hit by cold weather. They are quite cold sensitive and need to be hardened off - even in good weather - before being left outside.
              You're not too late to plant some more. I usually plant a back up crop for when the early ones run out of steam mid summer. Thanks for reminding me. Will plant my back ups tomorrow.

              From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


              • #8
                Originally posted by mamas-inc View Post
                i planted out 10 courgette plants last week and only 2 seem to of survived.
                Did you harden them off properly (7-10 days) or did you thrust them straight from a nice cosy greenhouse into the harsh conditions of a cold windy outside?
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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