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Chemical Withdrawl Symtoms


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  • Chemical Withdrawl Symtoms

    Been searching for a weedkiller product for ages now, only to be told that it's been withdrawn.

    Forgotten the name. It was in a red tube (like a stubby toothpaste tube) and was wax based. The one that you twist like a Prit Stick and then smear on weeds.

    I used to use it annnually in the paddock for persitant docks as glyphos generally gets washed off.

    Can anyone tell me what it was called. If anyone has any left ? A suitable alternative ?


  • #2
    Well, glypho works if used properly, eg. apply to a full leaf at least 8 hrs before rain is due. If you apply it first thing on a sunny day, it should work just fine, getting absorbed into the weed's system.

    good luck
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
      at least 8 hrs before rain is due.
      I always check the forcast but I'm convinced the man that makes the rain watches me from behind a cloud

      The great thing about the waxy stuff was that on a warm but drizzely day (like yesterday) when there's not much else to be done, I can go on a dock killing spree !


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