I'm growing onions for the 1st time and the sets I planted in March have not swollen at the base yet. I also grew some overwintering onions from seeds planted in Sept last year and these are swelling up nicely.
Do spring planted sets swell later? I fear that I might have planted the sets to deep, if thats the case I'll eat them now as spring onions.
I suspect and hope somebody can confirm that I just need to wait a bit longer.

I'm growing onions for the 1st time and the sets I planted in March have not swollen at the base yet. I also grew some overwintering onions from seeds planted in Sept last year and these are swelling up nicely.
Do spring planted sets swell later? I fear that I might have planted the sets to deep, if thats the case I'll eat them now as spring onions.
I suspect and hope somebody can confirm that I just need to wait a bit longer.
