I've been searching the internet trying to buy a rhubarb crown (or 2) to plant now as I have been told that between now and Jan is the best time to plant. Everywhere I have searched so far either supplies seeds only or are not despatching until late March. Does anybody have a mature rhubarb plant that will need dividing, if, is it possible for me to puchase crown or two fromy you? Alternatively, is there anywhere I can order it from now?
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I got mine from Dobies (www.dobies.co.uk) about three weeks ago. Try them! They might still be dispatching for autumn planting... Good luck!Acorn
third time lucky
This year I grew Rhubarb for the third time. However this autumn I have put big signs up that read "Caution Rhubarb Sleeping" as in previous springs my other half who loves digging and weeding as dug it up and thrown it out thinking it was dead.
I can�t begin to tell you about the times I have come home from work and had to rescue things from the rubbish bin.
Twisted shrivelled potato things [Dahlias]
Long straggly weeds [Snapdragons]
That disgusting bitter lettuce we didn't eat [Forget-me-nots]
Poisonous nightshade that would harm the dog [tomato plats]
I think you all may be getting the picture... my partner can't tell weeds from flowers but still loves to be helpful in the garden.
Amanda1 - Try your local council website, it should have info on any local allotment associations. If yours is anything like mine, you dont need to have a plot to take advantage of their cheap seeds, and the 'old boys' will all have ancient rhubarb clumps they will chop a bit off of for you !
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