I've been 'Square foot' gardening for a few years in a 4ft x 4ft veg. bed but it's gone a bit awry this year because I planted a rhubarb crown in it because I had no space anywhere else & it's overshadowed everything else so the crops aren't all that good. I have grown onions, shallots, cabbages, broccoli, strawberries, rocket, radishes, asparagus peas, cucumbers & lots of other crops in there in the past & it is great if you only have a small area & don't want to grow large quantities but just to try lots of different things without worrying about losing large quantities if something goes wrong. You tend to get smaller produce than normal because the spacings are a lot closer than usual, ie. mini cabbages & onions, but they taste just as good.
No announcement yet.
Square Foot Gardening
Well actually there's four! Although I've not measured exactly, due to space restrictions I divided up my two raised beds into 'square foots'!
I've got cabbages, cauli's, courgetts, carrots, cucumbers, spinace, rocket, all sorts of lettuce, turnips and swede.
Then I've scattered pumpkins, beans, corn, strawberries, tomatos amongst the rest of the garden as I ran out of space in the beds. Also have potato's in tyres, parsnips in pipes and rhubarb in a pot.
It was a bit of a headache working out where to put everything (ie sun/shade, space, companions etc) but I'm really impressed with how everything has grown.
Phew! I do think I went a little overboard this year tho!
that'll be five then - my three 8' x 4' raised beds will all be square footers next year along with 15' x 2' that we intend to build against the fence, this year we have just thrown everything in, not well planned at all. But everything is looking good, just had a look at my hispi cabbage and the middles are starting to close up or should that be heart up?
Made a few mistakes this year, but next year will be better. The harvest has been good so far. Loads of peas, beetroot, salad crops, turnips, French beans, carrots, herbs, spinach, and red onions. There were a few things that bolted but as I am new to growing vegetables I am not sure if that is more to do with a cold wet May and a hot dry June? I do have some photos so will post an update soon. [Well in a few weeks]
A few of the Grapes on the vine know already, so I don't see why all the rest should not know too.
Two weeks ago I had a heart attack and have been keeping a low profile.
Many thanks for the PM's asking after me. Lesley has been cracking the whip to make me stay off the boards and rest.
Now I had better stop or she will have my guts for garters again
Jaxom, so sorry to hear of your heart attack, I hope you make a speedy and complete recovery. Please take the advice and take it easy, especially in this heat and you will soon be back doing battle with the garden.
Best wishes & take care
Juxom, so sorry to hear about your ill health. Wondered why you wer'nt posting. Must have happened when i was on holiday. Hope you're well again soon and back to your old self.
Good Luck.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
I too work in a limited space and work on the same ethos but tend to do it in strips and use potage technques e.g. go up as well as out.
Jaxom, keep your feet up and don't worry, my Father had one a few years back and now has a new lease of life - retired early and does more activity then I do!Last edited by andrewo; 19-07-2006, 12:59 PM.Best wishes
Harbinger of Rhubarb tales
Sorry to hear about your heart problems Jax, take it easy in the hot weather & send Mrs. Jaxom (if there is one!) or someone else out to water your 'square footer' & do the rest of the gardening jobs. When you get back on your feet a little GENTLE gardening will probably perk you up in no time.Into every life a little rain must fall.
Originally posted by Lesley JayYes Jaxom. Nurse Lesley will have your guts for garters - have you seen the time 3.12 am?? Get back to bed and rest. We want you back here really soon!!
All the best Jax, take it easy & be back soon
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