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What kind of tomatoes are these?


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  • #16
    I thought the top one was Tigerella, but whatever it is it looks good.

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


    • #17
      I'm growing some Super Marmande (rather than Marmande - but it's pretty much the same) and it doesn't have the variated colouration pattern all the way down the sides so I don't think that's what's in the top picture.

      The tomatoes do have the colouration of Tigerella, but Tigerella isn't a potato leaved tomato - and i think has smooth shoulders.

      Not much help here from me tho to tell you what it is !!

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      Twitter: @sweetpeasalads


      • #18
        In my experience i would say the 1st pic is "Beefstake" tomato and the 2nd pic is "Roma" plum tomato.. i have grown both varieties before, on the 1st lot are you seeing less fruits per truss and the 2nd seems more of a bush than a cordon?? hope this helps, tigerella is what i am growing this year as i did last year, it gets strips towards the ripening and is quite a meaty tomato
        I'll be SLACK!!!

        I'm here for a good time, not a long time


        • #19
          I'm not going to be much help either, as there are oodles of varieties, big question.

          But agree with djhs, they aren't any of those offered. There are plenty of plum tomatoes too, it's just the shape not a variety.

          Hope they will taste nice and you can save seed if still can't find out when ripe, what they are.


          • #20
            Is it possible to ask you Dad what they are? Did he grow them from seed, or buy plants at a garden centre? If seed, does he have the packet still, if garden centre, you could ring the GC and ask them which varieties they were selling. With a shortlist there might be a chance of sorting out what they are?!
            If I had to guess, my thoughts would be Brandywine for the big, potato-leaved toms, and San Marzano for the plum looking ones.


            • #21
              Good game this!

              I can't tell you what they are, but I can tell you what they're not!

              The round ones are stripey, so you can forget Marmande, Beefsteak and Brandywine. They do look a lot like they might be Vintage Wine as suggested above.

              The plum type are definitely not san marzano, which have a rather rectangular appearance. Maybe Roma, if they go red.
              Last edited by Cutecumber; 28-07-2008, 09:57 AM.


              • #22
                Anyone fancy a go at identifying my tomatoes too?
                Should be easier as they are either Ferline or Sungella, but no idea which is which and how many of each I've got!
                I THINK I can spot the different ones because some have a very large number of flowers per 'vine' all clustered together and some have only say, 6 in a really regular pattern.
                The flowers look slightly different too.

                Any offers?

                Tomato 1 (with clustersof toms):

                Tomato 2 (with regularly spread toms):


                • #23
                  Rodofgod76, your first pic. looks like 'Mr Stripey' an heirloom potato leaved type tomato. Here's a link to a pic. (scan down the list to them)
                  Into every life a little rain must fall.


                  • #24
                    Busylizzie, not entirely sure but I'd say the first ones were the Sungella & the second ones the Ferline.
                    Into every life a little rain must fall.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by SueA View Post
                      Busylizzie, not entirely sure but I'd say the first ones were the Sungella & the second ones the Ferline.
                      Just got back from a weekend away to find a single ripe tomato and it looks like you were right - it's one of the clustered ones and it's a yellow-orange colour so it's definitely a Sungella not a Ferline.


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