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Bl***dy kids


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  • Bl***dy kids

    Help....came home last night from friends BBQ to find some of next next doors kids in my gadren and the little sods had been throwing a space hopper of all things backwards & forwards and guess where it had landed??? on my 100's & 1000s toms have checked them and there are several branches not quite snapped through should i take them off or just see if they recover i'm bloody furious...thanks
    The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...

  • #2
    Why the heck were the next door's kids in your garden? Don't they have a garden of their own?

    The snapped off branches; I'd pop them in compost, water well and put in a plastic bag - they might just root and give you extra plants. The plant should grow more branches so I'd take off the broken ones and let the plant put its energy into growing new ones.


    • #3
      Little beggars. Echoes of zazen here - put the broken shoots into compost and keep damp and shady for a few days, they will root easily. Wouldn't worry about a plastic bag personally. It will be good in the end as you will have extra plants.

      Maybe it is time to put some prickly plants in the hedge?
      Happy Gardening,


      • #4
        thanks for that will give it a go..........they were throwing the spacehopper over the fence like a game of tennis, i'll have a qutie word with parents this evening was so upset last night and had had a 'bit' of wine so didnt want to do it then
        The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


        • #5
          Quite clearly you are far more thoughtful than they. They don't deserve such a considerate person next door as they have in you.
          Hope all turns out well for you.


          • #6
            Not sure I'd of been as level headed as you either - I'd of been tempted to launch the chuffin spacehopper into space - with kids attached!

            Hope the toms recover.
            A simple dude trying to grow veg.

            BLOG UPDATED! 30/01/2012

            Practise makes us a little better, it doesn't make us perfect.

            What would Vedder do?


            • #7
              Originally posted by HeyWayne View Post
              I'd of been tempted to launch the chuffin spacehopper into space - with kids attached!

              now there's an idea.....
              The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


              • #8
                I hope you get through to the parents!
                otherwise its a case of going through the tresspass and criminal damage route, which may get them an asbo, not that the kids will care aparently its cool to have one.
                Yo an' Bob
                Walk lightly on the earth
                take only what you need
                give all you can
                and your produce will be bountifull


                • #9
                  I do hope you've had a word with the parents. Please don't just leave it - you don't have to be rude, just ask politely why their kids were in your garden and explain how much damage they've done. BTW do you have a good fence, or is it open access?


                  • #10
                    I had quiet, polite words with my then neighbours. I had known their children since birth and we had (I thought!) a good relationship. That was until the boys were old enough to play football. Without any warning they would smash it against the fence their side. The times we spilt out tea when we were quietly sitting our side. Good job neither of us has a weak heart. With a park at the end of our road, where my own children had to go to play - and yes I know times are different, and I would probably be very wary if I still had young children, I didn't see why their dad couldn't take them up there to have a kick around. Instead of which we had footballs, rugby balls, tennis and golf balls etc. It was even more of a nightmare when they had friends round. I started off passing them back or throwing them over the fence but curiosity got to me after a while and I started to hold on to them to see just how many came over. In the space of 2 weeks we had 76 assorted balls!! As it turned out they had by this time decided to move (due probably to my unreasonable behaviour) and when they asked for the balls I said they could have them when they went. I never at any point said they couldn't have them. I was out the day they moved and as luck would have it the postman tried to deliver a parcel to us the same day and as we were out asked our very "kind" neighbours to take it in. When we telephoned them to ask for the parcel they said we couldn't have it until we returned the balls!!! They should have refused to take in the parcel since they were on the point of leaving the house permanently but obviously thought it was a good bargaining chip. It is an offence to deliberately withold mail and I did consider contacting the police but really it was all over such pettiness I thought the police should be out catching burglars etc. We got our parcel eventually, as they got their balls. I've often wondered how they got on with their new neighbours. I wish you good luck and hope that your neighbours are more interested in retaining a good reationship than ours were.
                    Last edited by Sanjo; 10-06-2008, 10:03 AM.


                    • #11
                      had a word last night and the parents were very apologetic, and made kids come and apologise, they also offered to pay for some new plants but as that wasnt the point at least it was a nice gesture. So hopefully it wont happen again and my toms will recover
                      The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


                      • #12
                        Oh I'm so glad to read they took you seriously. I don't see why you didn't keep the spacehopper, though, for playtime after wine. I got me and OH a couple two years ago and used them at last year's Christmas party at work. They went down a treat. Once most adults were too stuffed full of food to hop around, we let the kiddies have a go! I was very popular, fo a whole afternoon and evening!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by SlugLobber View Post
                          I got me and OH a couple two years ago and used them at last year's Christmas party at work. They went down a treat. Once most adults were too stuffed full of food to hop around, we let the kiddies have a go! I was very popular, fo a whole afternoon and evening!
                          sounds like good fun....maybe i can ask to borrow it
                          The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


                          • #14
                            Do! I promise you it's the most fun you'll have had since you were 8!! We had races around cones, from one end of the room to the other. Classic! Big boys toys sell em for a tenner each.


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