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Sweet Corn...... Help!


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  • Sweet Corn...... Help!

    Hi Guys,

    could anyone tell me what the minimum size pot or container that I can grow sweet corn in would be? I have a feeling I should have asked this question before I planted the seeds!

    The variety that I planted was F1 Jubilee if that is any help.

  • #2
    I can't really give you an idea of size of pot, but they grow VERY tall and they are hungry feeders, so you may need to think about quite a large pot which can be anchored down.
    Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
    ~ Mary Kay Ash


    • #3
      Hi and welcome to the vine.

      I am growing them one plant per 10litre pot. It should be easy to move them about and put plants that are at different growth stages together to aid pollination. Mind you, that said, I have yet to harvest a cob - the first year I grew them I didn't have a clue how to tell when they were flowering and last year it was too wet for them.
      Happy Gardening,


      • #4
        how many have you sown? You'll need a few, arranged in a block to make sure that they pollinate. tbh I'd think that they probably aren't the best thing to grow in a pot (as opposed to the ground), but I know what it's like to be carried away with seed sowing!

        I have 20 plants, currently about 18" tall, planted in a block about 5 feet by 5 feet, if that's any help?


        • #5
          Thanks guys,

          it's the biggest pots and can find then, and asap sweet corn certainly grows at a pace! As for the size, I read that it can grow to 8ft high, should be fun to see the looks on my neighbours faces as they pass by.

          I don't know if I will get any cobs or not, but I read a little about the pollenation process and will read more when I need to. I'll report back with anything that might be of interest!

          Thanks for your help guys.


          • #6
            Hi Queen

            I have 23 at the moment all standing around 8 to 9 inches tall. I knew about the planting ( or standing in this case) in blocks as I read about it when I read the stuff on pollenation stuff.

            Thanks for your help Queen, no doubt I'll be back!


            • #7
              Last year I grew four (might have been five) in a pot about 60cm across by about the same deep. They all cropped successfully.
              I was feeling part of the scenery
              I walked right out of the machinery
              My heart going boom boom boom
              "Hey" he said "Grab your things
              I've come to take you home."


              • #8
                Not all varieties grew very tall, the ones I had last year (the variety slips my mind but they were some supermarket seeds so won't be anything unusual) were quite stocky, only about 4.5ft yet still cropped well with upto 4 cobs per plant.

                Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                • #9
                  I'm growing mine in old tractor tyres


                  • #10
                    Thanks Seahorse that is excellent news about the 4 (possibly 5) to a 6o cm pot. These are pretty cheap at Instore at the moment, or were a few weks ago when I bout 2 for about �6!


                    • #11
                      I sowed about a dozen sweetcorn but only 2 germinated, will i get away with planting just the 2 together?
                      Also is it too late to try another couple? if not does anyone have any tips to get more successful germination?


                      • #12
                        tap the plants on a windless day and you'll see the pollen drop from the tassels down on the the flowers you should be able to get some crop off your two plants.
                        My Blog is here.../


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