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school veg patch - ideas please


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  • school veg patch - ideas please

    Hi all

    Been growing my own veg etc in pollytunnel and garden for several years, I love it and so do the kids. My sons primary school (in middle of big council estate) has asked if I could help them set up a veg patch for the kids. I have no idea what I could grow with them so late on in the season which would give them quick results bearing in mind the summer holidays !!!

    Any suggestions, ideas. Has anyone done the same and what did the kids enjoy most.

    Thanks all
    Am now happy - I can get out in the polytunnel again with the warmer weather.

  • #2
    Just a few thoughts of some things that would be harvested in the 6 weeks or so you have left until summer hols start -
    - salads - lettuce, rocket, perpetual spinach etc
    - cress - land cress is easy and quick
    - radishes
    - spring onions I think
    - baby veg e.g. carrots - possibly??
    - stuff you've bought in as plants

    The other idea is to grow things that they can harvest when they get back to school in September - pumpkins (or other squashes) are bound to be a hit if they will mature in late October. Lots of winter veg like broccoli, kale, leeks, cabbages etc can still be sown now. Potatoes in tubs. The question really is whether there will be anyone to care for the plants over the summer while school is closed.
    Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.


    • #3
      This is my first year gardening but I have been delighted at how much interest my OH's kids have taken. His 12 year old son and I planted out a raised bed a couple of weeks ago with Pak Choi, various salad leaves, spring onions, radish and beetroot. The first thing he does when he comes to stay at the weekend is check on how much they have grown, he's hooked already. This weekend past we sat on a raised bed and potted on toms and peppers from the greenhouse and filled hanging baskets. We went to the garden centre and I overheard him pointing out geraniums and fuschias to his sister, telling her that that's what we were growing in the baskets. He lives in an estate where almost no-one does any gardening and it's great to see him so enthusiastic. The 14 yr old is tasked with snail detection/collection which she enjoys.


      • #4
        I meant to say, I got some cabbage plants from a Freecycler this week, perhaps you could try and pick some young plants up that way to give you a head start. There have been loads of toms on offer too.


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