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Impatient First Timer


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  • #16
    You don't get more patient (ask me how I know!) but the patience gets spread more thinly if you know what I mean. If you only have half a dozen spuds and a few toms you are checking them every few minutes. When you've got a garden or a lottie (or more!) full then things have to get on with it a bit - you can't be looking at everything all the time.

    Mikey's time lapse camera idea is a good one. Last year when I'd potted up my toms for the first time, little tommy plant each in its own 3" pot, I proudly took a pic. I took the same photo just a week later and couldn't belive the difference. Even though I'd been ranting at them every day to grow for mummy, they'd been doing it and I hadn't noticed!
    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


    • #17
      I have plants in Suffolk, and different plants in Norfolk. I spend half the week there, and half the week here.
      It is amazing how much things have grown since I've been away ~ especially if the sun has been out for a day or two. For example, my French beans were 2 foot tall last week ... today one of them was 3 foot tall.
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #18
        I sowed some gherkins on 11th, popped them into the airing cupboard and being impatient (or just down right nosey) I had a look last night (13th) and they are about 3 inches tall!!!!!
        If I'd have twiddled my thumbs any longer before I looked at them, they may have keeled over! (or walked out and come and got me!) - sometimes impatience pays off : )
        A closed mouth gathers no feet

        Bad crop = it's the weather's fault, Good crop = Green fingers - Hmm


        • #19
          2 DAYS!!!!!!!!! Thats just showing off.

          I have a woodburner so no airing cupboard, damn! My gherkins were sown over three weeks ago and are still little stubby things not worth writing home about.


          • #20
            LOL They're out of the airing cupboard now so they'll probably sulk a lot now just to show me up! I expect yours are just saving their strength for later : )
            A closed mouth gathers no feet

            Bad crop = it's the weather's fault, Good crop = Green fingers - Hmm


            • #21
              I think all gardeners are a bit impatient. I am told I have the patient of a saint (you have to have being a driving instructor). And yet I am already starting to write this year off and planning on what I want to do next year, and can't wait for the new season to start. Mind you that may be because the lottie is absolutely full and I have plants queuing up waiting for a bit of spare ground.


              • #22
                we are eating our potatoes,carrots,beetroot ready to pick and store broccoli is about 2 foot tall tomatoes cant keep up with picking them,we mainly make sauces and freeze it runner beans are 5ft high small beans on them swede doing ok at the moment its 95 deg but have had some good thunderstorms this month so not needing to water much,but the darn weeds grow quicker than the veg lol.


                • #23
                  That's it, the house is going up for sale and we're moving to Bulgaria so I can grow veg more quickly, lol!


                  • #24
                    I cant wait to get home from work an see if anything looks bigger or any different since i checked it all before i went to work.

                    Courgettes being the most awesome though. In the morning the wee courgette were an inch shorter than my partners mobile phone and by the evening was a half inch longer. next eve it was two inches longer!! should be eating it tomorrow an that will be the second one harvested.

                    I am so sad that i sit at work an wonder how big they are



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by amandaandherveg View Post
                      That's it, the house is going up for sale and we're moving to Bulgaria so I can grow veg more quickly, lol!
                      I feel that way every time I talk to my parents in Spain - I start boasting about my veggies and they trump me every time.

                      # Oh I had flowers on my tomatoes today!
                      # We ate some of our tomatoes for lunch

                      # I've just sowed my second lot of lettuce
                      # We've got lettuce coming out of our ears, we had lettuce soup for dinner.

                      Humph. I'll get my own back when July comes and they are slaves to the watering can while I'm splashing in puddles with the kids, right?!
                      Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.


                      • #26
                        It's almost better than shopping. It's like getting something new everyday.


                        • #27
                          i'm glad i've got new flowers to check on, cos waiting for the veg to grow would drive me mad otherwise ...... i'm just convinced they wont grow

                          Lynda xx


                          • #28
                            I have now learned to chill out. After the frantic digging, seed sowing, pricking out, and planting at the beginning of the season I find it very rewarding to sometimes just sit with a cup of tea and look at my plot or wander round and see what everyone else is doing. Life is hectic enough - gardening should be a relaxation from the everyday mayhem.
                            Last edited by Gwyndy; 14-06-2008, 10:33 PM.
                            Gardening is a matter of your enthusiasm holding up until your back gets used to it.


                            • #29
                              I keep sowing stuff. It stops me from looking at the other stuff to often. Then you get to much sown stuff. And then you cant remember what you planted first. So surprise surprise, something has popped up (now when did i sow that one ???? ) Confused . Well i am, but it damn well helps with the inpatience though
                              "He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart"


                              • #30
                                I've got the patience, it's the worrying that does me. Have I watered too much/not enough, are they in the right size pots, is the greenhouse too cold/too hot? Have the slugs/snails been overnight? But it's such a great feeling to pick something you have grown yourself, the smell of fresh ripe tomatoes, and the crispness of freshly picked young runner beans, eating home grown salad leaves every day, just makes up for all the worry.


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