My potato plants are very short compaired to plot next door planted about the same time in March, mine are about knee high his are waist high why would this be. Mine are Maris Bard and King Edward. Some have flowered but not all but I'm not worried that they havent flowered.
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Potato Plants not very tall
Do not worry about the size of the tops what is under ground is what matters Knee high is not bad it would seem that your neighbour has a lot more nitrogen in his ground not really good for Potato growing.
What realy counts is the crop in the groundjacob marley
What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
Ralph Waide Emmerson
I have most of my spuds here in the home garden but some at the half allotment, which I only got in March. Himself was down there with me the other evening and pointed out that the soil must be different across the plot because from a certain point the spuds were growing noticably taller. So I told him which variety was which! He thought they were all the same (now how boring would THAT be?)Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
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