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Chilli Pepper what happens next!


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  • Chilli Pepper what happens next!

    I have five wonderfully healthy looking Chilli pepper plants on my window sill, ranging from 6-9" tall. The seeds (Anaheim) were free with Gardener's World mag, which is why I planted them (wouldn't have thought about planting chilli otherwise). My question is.....what do I do with them now....can they be planted outside? I should have my new greenhouse soon.....would it be better to transfer them to the GH?

    I don't even know what to expect of them. I guess they will flower at some point. Can anybody please tell me when and how big they will become. They seem to be romping away at the moment

  • #2
    Chilis can go outside - we had one that just kept producing fruit outside one summer, but the ones I've got now are in the greenhouse. Why not try some outside and keep some for your new greenhouse? Mine are just starting to flower now. They're about 8 inches high.


    • #3
      Many thanks I certainly will....just got to persuade OH to get the greenhouse up now


      • #4
        Sorry, just looked at where you're based! Would be worth putting as many as you know you have to have in the greenhouse and trying spares outside. I lived in the north-west for a while and remember we used to say that it rained 364 days a year and on Day 365 it snowed! They do need a fair amount of warmth, but it should be possible in a good summer.
        Get him to put the greenhouse up anyway! I've only had mine for a few weeks, as the conservatory was too full of plants (according to OH!), and I'm loving it!


        • #5
          I'm north east and only grow mine in the greenhouse. I haven't grown Anaheim before but most chilli plants seem to go no higher than a couple of feet at best. They are certainly smaller than a tomato. (At least, all the ones I've grown are like that - I stand to be corrected by some of the serious chilli addicts!) Mine have had small, insignificant but rather pretty white flowers and the insects in the greenhouse have successfully pollinated them. Got little chillis on some, and one or two big chillis on one calle Big Jim!
          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

 Updated March 9th - Spring


          • #6
            Hi there

            I am mainly growing chillis, no Anaheim though. I believe they grow tall. That in chilli terms can be anything between 2-6 feet.
            Pinch them out, if they get out of hand. They seem to improve with pinching out � the growth becomes a lot more bushy and some say it'll improve the yield. They will probably need support as well.

            We�ve got members on the chilli forum who grow chilli in Scotland, so if you got a fairly sheltered spot � they should do fine outdoors. Conservatories and windowsills make good chilli-homes as well (though probably not an option for the Anaheim).
            If you keep them in a small-ish pot, that will help keeping their size down as well.

            They are capsicum annuum, so the flowers should be pretty white little ones. They shouldn't be too hot and fairly big pods.
            Over-excited and no clue.


            • #7
              What size pot should they end up in?
              Do it! Life's too short



              • #8
                Anaheim Chilli
                Very large (6" long) mild and sweet chillis ideal for stuffing. Plants grow 24" tall. Pot on gradually up to a 9-12 inch pot eventually. Southdevon Chilli Farm - Growing Seeds & Plants
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9
                  Thankyou advice MUCH appreciated

                  Many thanks for all the info everyone and that link Two Sheds is brilliant, thank you so much. I shall pot my Chilli plants on soon to larger pots, they look very healthy at the moment. I am quite excited about them and although I wouldn't have thought of growing them (except for the free seeds), I think I will again in the future. OH has started the greenhouse and it should be completed this weekend, so I think I will keep them in there....would break my heart to lose one as they look so good. A very attractive plant


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by TrulyGreen
           I think I will keep them in there....would break my heart to lose one as they look so good. A very attractive plant
                    If you get addicted here's a good place for info.

                    growing chilli peppers
                    To see a world in a grain of sand
                    And a heaven in a wild flower


                    • #11
                      Another fab link.....thank you Manda


                      • #12
                        I'm in the NW too (assuming that you mean NW of England!) and don't really get on that well with outdoor chillies but that's more cos of pest damage than anything else. I find that you get a better crop off them if you keep them in a slightly small pot as being a little bit constrained seems to help them flowering early. Mine are now producing quite nicely in the greenhouse in various sizes of pots.

                        Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                        Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                        • #13
                          Chili Bush

                          I have a bush growing in my yard that i didnt plant. It has been there for almost 2 years now. It is about 6 feet tall and it has hundreds of chilis on it. The chili's are green with a few of them that have turned red. The are not very big. They are only about a half inch big. The flowers are white and when they grow a chili, the chili grows upright. Can anybody please tell me what kind of chili this is. Thank you


                          • #14
                            Hi Cahlua, welcome! Where are you, with overwintering pepper plants outside, I thought they needed to come indoors to overwinter?
                            If you can post a picture of your plant I suspect that will help to ID it although you'll need someone a lot more expert than me either way lol
                            Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.


                            • #15
                              Chili Pepper Plant

                              I live in Southern California, USA. I have never done anything to this plant but let it grow. It just started sprouting in my yard one day and I just let it grow. All I do for it is water it, and it has gone crazy. It has grown huge. I will take a picture of it when I get home from work and try to figure out how to load it on here. Thanks for the help.


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