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Rooster as salad potato?


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  • Rooster as salad potato?

    Does anyone know if rooster potatoes can be used as salad potatoes? I'm about to find out... My potatoes have been flowering for a week or two so I had a rummage around and found these babies. They are currently in a pan and I'm intending to make a salad with my first minature white cucumber - hope it tastes okay.
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    We sow the seed, nature grows the seed, we eat the seed. (Neil, The Young Ones)

  • #2
    We grew them last year and they're absolutely gorgeous. Mind you, they were the first potatoes I'd grown myself, so anything could have been great, but they were very memorable!
    Didn't grow them this year and am now wishing I had when I think back to that flavour. Went with Charlottes instead and they've been much slower, so no potatoes yet!


    • #3
      I don't think they'll make the best salad potatoes. They're quite floury and their best use is for roast potatoes. You can't beat then for that. But hope it works well and you enjoy them.

      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


      • #4
        Alice you were right... not the best as salad potatoes; but as parrot1974 said they were still absolutely gorgeous. I suppose my question should have been would they taste okay harvested that small - in the shops they are normally baking potato size. I'll leave the rest to get bigger.

        We sow the seed, nature grows the seed, we eat the seed. (Neil, The Young Ones)


        • #5
          Can't beat charlottes, I know they take a few weeks more to develop but well worth it. I have started digging charlottes planted on the 29th Feb. I dug 4 plants this morning and got 5.5 lb of nice sized potatoes.



          • #6
            PJH , yes I would let the roosters get bigger. I cook them by par boiling about 5 mins, then drain well and give them a shake in the pot so that the edges get a bit broken up. Tip into a little hot oil and paint them over with the oil. About 40 mins in the oven at 180 and great roast potatoes which go well with a salad.

            From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


            • #7
              We had roasted roosters last weekend with our roast chicken and Gordon Ramsay's yorkie recipe, looooovely!


              • #8
                mmm. Rooster is a good roast potato. For a salad potato, it's hard to beat Charlotte.

                Last night I cooked up some, and they turned to mash ~ I think I dug up my Saxons by mistake (all the labels have got lost under the mulch)

                here's a good guide to varieties and their best uses in the kitchen: Potato Varieties - Potato Council
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9
                  i absolutley love rooster potatoes for mashing they are the best yum yum
                  gunna grow some next year me thinks.
                  joanne geldard


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