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  • Hi


    I've been just found this website and so far I'm loving it.

    I've recently discovered by love for gardening since a teenager. As I only have a very small garden, and no space for a veg patch we have resorted to a small walk in plastic greenhouse and so far we are in the process of growing tomatos peppers and herbs. I also have rose bush in a large pot but I've been told I need to prune it to make it bushy instead of it growing tall and upwards. Was wondering if anyone can tell me how I prune a rose bush.

    Looking forward to many conversations and getting lots of tips from here.


  • #2
    Welcome to GYO Trudy hope you find this link helpful Roses - How and When to Prune Your Rose Bushes



    • #3
      Thank you, I just had a look and looks like a very usefull site, will have a look at the weekend before I get into my tiny garden lol.



      • #4
        It really should have been done earier than this TrustyTru. Next March is a good time, although some people like to partly prune in Novermber to prevent the plant being rocked by the winds over the winter. Reducing the overall size of the bush in autumn helps it to stay firm in the soil. Then you finish off in the spring. You can be fairly brutal then! I remember the late and still lamented Geoff Hamilton doing a trial with two beds of roses. He pruned one lot accoding the the rules, angled cut, outward facing bud etc. He pruned the second bed with a hedge trimmer! In fact, there wasn't much difference. It's the fact that you prune the bush and make it throw up new shoots that's important, not how you do it, so don't stress about it, just give it a good hair-cut.
        Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


        • #5
          Thank You, I've decided for now as I only bought it and potted it a month ago it maybe best to leave it till next spring, its about 25" high at the moment and I think it's probably still try to set its roots.

          Looking forward to next spring.



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