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Butternut Squash Advice


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  • Butternut Squash Advice

    Hi all,

    Has anyone ever grown Butternut Squash? I have a plant in the greenhouse and it seems to be doing incredibly well. It looks like it has a lot of buds growing on it - approx 6 at the minute.

    Will these all turn into squashes - if so do you think the plant can cope with growing that many or should I be removing some?

    Any other helpful advice you have on these would be gratefully received - I'd hate to do anything wrong given it is looking so healthy at the moment!

    Thanks in advance


  • #2
    They are a very greedy plant and I wonder if you are leaving it in the greenhouse, or planting out. Either way, some pinching back of flowers and side shoots usually helps the remainders grow better.
    I usually have about six per plant when grown outside, but fed and watered regularly.
    If you are going to plant out, harden off very carefully or it will stop growing for 2 to 3 weeks. Good luck


    • #3
      I have butternut squashes (and various other types) growing in the garden (they get WAY to big for my greenhouse and don't really need the heat). At the moment they are growing pretty quickly and are starting to flower. As with summer squashes, the first flowers tend to be male ones (ie no fruit behind them) so they won't form fruits. However, in theory, any female flower could form squashes. Remember, if you are growing it inside then you will need to fertilise it yourself as the relevant insects will struggle to get to the flowers. As far as stopping it, I've always just let them do their own thing but if you want larger fruits then you are better restricting the plant to only a few squashes. Hope that this makes sense.

      Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

      Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


      • #4
        I bought a butternut squash plant at the nursery a few weeks ago and have planted it out in the garden, but it has no flowers at all yet! Is there any hope for me that it will still flower and grow squashes or am I too late?



        • #5
          Plenty of time yet. It's been too cold so far for squash ... mine went out in the garden 2 weeks ago.
          In theory we have another 4 months of growing weather (doesn't seem much: 4 months good weather out of 12. Think I'll move to Spain)
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            It's funny, but where I'm from (tropical north Queensland in Australia) we only have a wet season and a dry season, and we don't really need to plant anything at particular times of the year - you can plant any seeds you like, whatever month you like, directly into the ground, and grow fruit & veg off them, without even thinking about it.
            Really looking forward to when we move home!


            • #7
              Where are you in the country Boarder. You can go into your personal profile and show us.
              I grow Butternut squash outdoors in Scotland. They get big and would take over a greenhouse - and they don't need that jind of heat.
              If yours have got big and been in the greenhouse they will need to be hardened off carefully before they can go outside - even on a good day and a light breeze they will faint.
              If you put them out - choose a really good day to start and protect them with fleece. Take them in at night. Harden them over 2 weeks, a little at a time. They're better grown hardy from the beginning but it will work for you if you're patient.
              Good luck and let us know how you get on.

              From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


              • #8
                Trousers and I planted the Butternut Squashes we started off 'at home' into our allotment a week or two ago. Last week we went to water, and I was 'a bit miffed' at how they didn't seem to be 'taking off'.

                We went to water again this evening, and they are definitely looking much, much better.

                I've learned over the last couple of years, that with winter squashes, you do need to be a bit more patient than with summer ones.

                Lots of luck to you.


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