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small potatoe plants


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  • small potatoe plants

    I am slightly concerned about my first early spuds, Lady Christl, which were planted out late March, and were growing fine but are not yet flowering.
    My second earlies, planted about three weeks later, Kestrel, are romping away and now flowering nicely.
    Is this something particular of this variety or could it be something else?
    Not sure when I should peak a look at whats underneath!
    Last edited by stv; 17-06-2008, 09:33 AM.

  • #2
    They don't all flower so don't just go by that. Allow about 12/13 weeks for your Lady Chrystl (got some in too, a lovely flavoured spud) and a week or so longer for the second earlies, then have a rummage underneath. You can do this withour disturbing the plant, and if there's nothing worth having, give them a bit longer. Good luck with them.
    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


    • #3
      Thanks Flummery, that means about 1-2 weeks to wait...


      • #4
        I would also give them some water via a sprinkler or somethink similar,you should get bigger spuds


        • #5
          I think you have to do trial and error to find out what spuds grow best on your bit of ground. Charlotte always do well for me. I have tried valour and cara as well this year and the cara are doing alright but the valour are abismal and wont be grown again. I am also waiting to see how the three sarpo varieties do for me this year. Lots of top growth dont always mean a good crop in fact it is often the reverse.



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