I've attached a picture of the courgette plants (2) that i planted in my polytunnel earlier this year. As you can see from the picture they are currently about 5ft high and growing
. I've never encountered this problem before i've always grown them outside before but thought as the polytunnel is a new addition and had a gap i would bring them on a bit quicker.
I wouldn't mind thier size if they were actually producing fruit, but all i have had is 2 measly courgettes
while the outside plants are producing loads.
Does anyone have any ideas, I'm sorely tempted to either cut them back or dig them up as they have taken over the path and are really in the way

I wouldn't mind thier size if they were actually producing fruit, but all i have had is 2 measly courgettes

Does anyone have any ideas, I'm sorely tempted to either cut them back or dig them up as they have taken over the path and are really in the way