Hi there,
I'm new to the site and have already picked up some useful hints and tips just by scanning around and reading all your posts!
So i have now plucked up the courage to post my own message, hoping you may be able to offer up some advice on a problem I have.
I have two 'Gardener's Delight' tomato plants in big pots on our patio, which have quite a few nice-sized fruits on them at the mo. But! They are all still very green and hard at the mo. It does say on the the label that they should be ready for picking from late June onwards, so am i just being impatient? The only reason i am a little concerned is that i've been reading up in a book and think they may be suffering from 'Greenback'. They are in a very sunny position currently, so wondering if i ought to move them to another spot.
Any suggestions would be gratefully received!

I'm new to the site and have already picked up some useful hints and tips just by scanning around and reading all your posts!
So i have now plucked up the courage to post my own message, hoping you may be able to offer up some advice on a problem I have.
I have two 'Gardener's Delight' tomato plants in big pots on our patio, which have quite a few nice-sized fruits on them at the mo. But! They are all still very green and hard at the mo. It does say on the the label that they should be ready for picking from late June onwards, so am i just being impatient? The only reason i am a little concerned is that i've been reading up in a book and think they may be suffering from 'Greenback'. They are in a very sunny position currently, so wondering if i ought to move them to another spot.
Any suggestions would be gratefully received!