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Spinach Problem - Leaf Miners?


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  • Spinach Problem - Leaf Miners?

    I do not have a soil garden but grow in Pots in what is like a Courtyard. This is my first summer growing and I have quite a few problems but the first is my spincah

    I have three tubs, all of which have Leaf Miners. I guessed they are leaf miners from watching these threads. Apart from picking the diseased leaves off and throwing away is there anything to prevent them from returning.

  • #2
    I believe they are difficult blighters to control, but I believe you can attract the moth to other plants. Perhaps someone could suggest the most appropriate plants. On the other hand, you could net the plants to keep the moth off.


    • #3
      Spinach Leaf Miners

      Is that what they are! The leaf goes white where they have burrowed through.
      I too do not know what to put near the pot, but luckily with pots I have the option to move it wherever needed. Thank you


      • #4
        Yes, leafminers are the larvae of a moth and there are quite a number of varieties which are plant specific. I remember aquilegia is a plant to attract them, but I am sure there are others.


        • #5
          They are very tricky little things - I grow leaf beet and chard and they are my nemesis. They quickly ruin a crop.

          I have found no way of controlling them, I'm afraid. I try and pick the eggs off (they are a small white clump usually on the back of the leaf) but for a lot of plants the only solution is to cover with fine gauge netting.


          • #6
            i had this happen to me last year, i just tore out the section where the bugs were and hoped for the best. Needless to say i didn't lose any plants but there were a few that weren't harvestable for a few months.


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