I've just been out to dig up some of my rocket potatoes and come back in all glum. 
Some plants had just loads of tiny marble-sized tubers, others had one great big one and nothing else, and only a couple with 3-4 what I'd call normal new potato sized ones. Overall really rubbish yield, half my patch dug up for enough to feed 4 people once. They went in on 30th March, so they've just had their 12 weeks. Shouldn't there be more by now?
Mind you last year was my first attempt at potatoes and I did them in compost sacks and got fewer out than I'd put in as the slugs just kept eating all the foliage. Talking of which, the foliage did ok this year, but most of the bigger tubers have got loads of slug tunnels in them. They're in the ground now, but it's clayey and it's first year as veg patch
So, questions - why the rubbish yield? what might I be doing wrong?
and, should I just dig up the lot now - even though there are still lots of tiny ones that might grow? I'm thinking elsewise the slugs will have the lot. I can make them into something to freeze if they won't keep very well.
Oh and I got bitten by loads of mozzies while I was out there

Some plants had just loads of tiny marble-sized tubers, others had one great big one and nothing else, and only a couple with 3-4 what I'd call normal new potato sized ones. Overall really rubbish yield, half my patch dug up for enough to feed 4 people once. They went in on 30th March, so they've just had their 12 weeks. Shouldn't there be more by now?
Mind you last year was my first attempt at potatoes and I did them in compost sacks and got fewer out than I'd put in as the slugs just kept eating all the foliage. Talking of which, the foliage did ok this year, but most of the bigger tubers have got loads of slug tunnels in them. They're in the ground now, but it's clayey and it's first year as veg patch
So, questions - why the rubbish yield? what might I be doing wrong?
and, should I just dig up the lot now - even though there are still lots of tiny ones that might grow? I'm thinking elsewise the slugs will have the lot. I can make them into something to freeze if they won't keep very well.
Oh and I got bitten by loads of mozzies while I was out there
