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Pepper Tricot


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  • Pepper Tricot

    I finished pricking out my Chili/Pepper/Capsicum seedlings yesterday and noticed a Tricot in one of my Jimmy Nardello plants.

    An oddity that you get from time to time.
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    I love growing tomatoes.

  • #2
    Strange. Sometimes you get fuchsias with leaves coming in threes around the stem rather than twos. These are good to look out for if you want to train the fuchsia as a standard because you get a naturally bushier head. Could you train a standard pepper?
    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


    • #3
      This is exactly what happened to one of my geraniums this year - at least I've the correct term for it now!

      I sowed 20 and one germinated within an amazing 3 days! The others more like 7-10 days with 4 which didn't seem to take off. One failed completely, then 2 started out of the blue and as I was about to dump the 2 failed cells noticed this last one with 3 starter leaves - tricots! Whether this will lead to a better plant who knows - but it was quite fun to find it.

      You learn something every day!


      • #4
        Tricots in peppers aren't too unusual. I plant around a hundred seeds a year. Twenty or thirty different varieties. And I'll usually get roughly five tricots.

        However it's only the seed leaves that are tricot. After that they always revert to the standard pairs.


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