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mmmmmmm yummy


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  • mmmmmmm yummy

    Last night we had salad and strawberries- all home grown - for tea - wow was it yummy and in a strange way very satisfying!! Does that make sesne?!

    Think i might be able to pick some peas today as well!!!

    How is everyone?


  • #2

    totally know what you mean! Great isnt it?


    • #3
      Yes - Spuds are just lush too, can't beat fresh-own grown-stuff!


      • #4
        Hi Sue - great isn't it?!

        Yesterday my dinner was potatoes, carrots, a baby beetroot, green beans, broad beans, sugarsnap peas and salad, all home grown

        And brunch was scrambled eggs with herbs, broad beans, peas and greenbeans, all done on a camp stove on our patch at the city farm, and a handful of raspberries scrumped from the next plot for pud... The only "additive" was the cooking oil!

        It was the first time I had a whole meal (two whole meals!) made with stuff we've grown. Well, I guess I can give the chickens credit for the eggs, but you know what I mean lol. Very satisfying, even my dad was impressed lol
        Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.


        • #5
          We had fried potatoes and onions tonight, with the few peas that we picked today and hallumi cheese all cooked in the same pan.

          What I love about growing your own is making up the dishes depending on what food you have in the garden or what you have just harvested. It makes it more interesting.


          • #6
            last week i had to pull up some potato plants due to ant damage but the results were well worth it. We had them in our that day and they were gorgeous, can't wait to taste the others i dug up yesterday for the same reason. I have really got the allotment bug back this week and will be working hard to get everything back in order this week.


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