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Advice please on what can/can't follow?


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  • Advice please on what can/can't follow?

    Hiya folks,

    I have just pulled a lot of my overwintered onions as they had flopped and the rest should be coming out next weekend.

    I also have a line of peas which are exhausted, the broad beans row, and a lettuce row that I can use. As well as a small area where I had brassicas last winter/spring.

    My plans are to sow more stuff. But I just want to check if I can/can't sow any of the following in any of the above spaces (anyone lost yet?! ).

    Turnips - for baby ones
    Beetroot bolthardy (direct sown - have some module ones in onion space already)
    Peas - can I put 2 rows in where onions were?
    Broad beans

    I guess the roots would be best in the onion bed, both as the scent is there to put off carrot fly, and also as that is lovely soil after it was dug over slightly (former pea and lettuce area needs a very good dig yet and I did walk alongside that row quite a bit).

    I was also going to put peas in onion bed (all onions and garlic should be gone by the time peas are above ground), and in former brassica area (between climbing french beans and sweetcorn).

    Broad beans I was going to put in former pea and lettuce area (there's a second row of peas alongside this that will be finished in another couple of weeks so should be plenty of space by the time beans grow a bit).

    Lettuce I was going to put where I had broad beans.

    I keep forgetting what is not supposed to follow or go with things, and just wanted to check if I have the right idea here? (And hoping for some more crops before winter).


  • #2
    Put peas and carrots in the onion bed together - the peas will be done and dusted as the carrots are growing, they can use the same space.

    The others can pretty much grow anywhere - all those apart from turnips don't usually have any troubles. I'd avoid putting turnips where any other brassicas are going to be in the near future.


    • #3
      I always try to rotate veg as much as possible. However I can't stand to see bare earth and often the rotation goes by the board due to filling space with what has to go in next. I would have liked to put all my leeks in one bed but they needed to go in before space was available, and I have ended up with leeks in four different spots.



      • #4
        Thanks folks.

        Zazen999, the onion bed was brassicas last summer, so I was going to keep them elsewhere for a while yet anyway, so turnip definitely going there now.

        Gojiberry, that's my problem too. I have a reasonable rotation (sort of), but as the main areas are currently full, I want to plant into whatever spaces I have in the meantime (and yes, my leeks will be going into spud space very very soon - rain stopped the first lot being transpolanted on Sunday but hopefully this week sometime). I currently have 3 areas of beans, and 3 of salads on the plot. There is no rotation plan in the garden as I was only allowed have the flowerbeds at the last minute this year!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Winged one View Post
          Thanks folks.

          Zazen999, the onion bed was brassicas last summer, so I was going to keep them elsewhere for a while yet anyway, so turnip definitely going there now.
          I thought turnips ARE brassicas?
          Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Demeter View Post
            I thought turnips ARE brassicas?
            They are !

            British by birth
            Scottish by the Grace of God



            • #7
              OOps, OK so, where do I put the turnips then?

              Onion bed was brassicas last summer.
              Other area was brassicas all winter (only pulled last caulis last weekend).
              Pea and lettuce patch will be brassicas next winter (09-10 season).

              Or do I just do a pot of them on the patio instead?


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