Hi all
I've recently completed my house and garden move.
I managed to transport all 120 plants in pots and i'm finally getting on top of the garden. I've opted to go down the recycling route and i've just finished building my raised bed and compost box from palletes.
I've attatched some photos so you can have a look - they're not finished and for a full time musician who's about as practical as a chocolate tea pot i think i've done alright.
I'm interestd if people think i should stain the outside of the compost box or not, i was cautious because i didn't want to introduce any chemicals into it.
I've recently completed my house and garden move.
I've attatched some photos so you can have a look - they're not finished and for a full time musician who's about as practical as a chocolate tea pot i think i've done alright.
I'm interestd if people think i should stain the outside of the compost box or not, i was cautious because i didn't want to introduce any chemicals into it.