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How are your carrots?


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  • #16
    I planted a Nantes variety in March - nothing.

    I WAS planning on joining CAC - crap at Carrots - as I usually am BUT!!

    Set a variety called Eskimo, later in April, they have been fabulous - thinnings nice and small carrots now coming along aslo tasty. Sowed a 2nd row of these a few weeks later and they are doing well too.

    Eating nice carrots everyday

    Planted Nantes again today - 2 rows. fingers crossed we have got carrots sussed!!!


    • #17
      Mine are just sooooooo slow to grow this year! Luckily, touch wood, I haven't had any carrot fly, but they have gone a bit green on the top part of the carrot that is showing - should I have earthed them up slightly?


      • #18
        Mine are pretty good too.

        The really dry weather early on seemed to have forced them to send a deep tap root down in search of water.

        Last year when it was wetter mine were useless.

        These were tonights tea,a bit pale but OK.
        Attached Files
        Please have a look at my Veg Growing Diary.



        • #19
          I had ONE carrot grow from the first sowing (I think there's another one trying to break through, but may be impeded by the broad beans that I planted when I gave up on carrots!! For the second sowing, I'll let you know in a few weeks!! I think my soil is appalling, though. The one carrot I got was very stunted.

          Do people here water their carrots or not? I was watering mine religiously for a while, I wonder if that's a good thing, as the post above mentions the tap root growing to search for water.


          • #20
            Have tried mine in an old bath this year and they are fantastic, no slugs or carrot fly damage and I have been eating the thinnings lovely long straight roots


            • #21
              Mine have forked and twisted like mad

              In fairness, I knew they probably would cos of growing them in modules, and where they were planted, and the fact that the carrot bed got accidentally manured (oops) - they didn't have much chance of growing straight! - but the good news is the children all think its hilarious

              One was eaten by a slug (it was actually inside the carrot when we pulled it, so that one went straight to the chickens!) but no sign of other troubles and we seem to have had reasonable germination rates.
              Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.


              • #22
                I have had a really good year for carrots, (pity I can't say the same about the onions), Started growing in Jan and sowed both direct into raised bed and into pots. Raised bed has early nantes. autumn king, jenette, kingston, sierra and one I cant remember. I think every single seed must have germinated. Keep thinning and using the thinnings but they are still far to crowded. Have emptied all the pots this week and frozen about 5lb of carrots.



                • #23
                  funny my carrots doing well and my onions really bad too....


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