I was pulling a flower bud from one of my shallots, which was bolting. The whole bulb came up in my hand - i think something had been eating the roots because usually they are much more firmly rooted. On closer inspection, I saw some tiny white grub-like worms and little white specks which look like tiny grains of sand. From what I read in the books, onion eel worm is microscopic but one of the symptoms are granular cysts. I can see the worms and these little grains, so they aren't microscopic, but I did have to look really hard! Some of my other onions are also twisted and deformed (not many, thankfully).
If it is eelworm, is there anything I can do? I've heard some people drench the soil in ***** fluid as a last resort (it'll kill the good bugs as well as the bad), has anyone tried this and does it work?
If it is eelworm, is there anything I can do? I've heard some people drench the soil in ***** fluid as a last resort (it'll kill the good bugs as well as the bad), has anyone tried this and does it work?