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Fed up and feeling like giving up


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  • #16
    Definitely don't give up... this is my first year and my failed attempts at melons (flowers but no fruit), courgettes (3 fruit that shrivelled up and died), aubergines (stopped growing then all the leaves fell off - didn't even get to the flower stage) & carrots (numerous attempts to germinate, then the only batch that did slowly died off at the miniscule root stage) have made me more determined to succeed with them next year.

    We sow the seed, nature grows the seed, we eat the seed. (Neil, The Young Ones)


    • #17
      our first year too lots doing well had 2 caulis looking perfect went away for 2 weeks and daughters looked after plot came home to find i had an albino version of brocolli!! they had both bolted i was pig sick!! beautiful sweetcorn which over the last 3 days has been stripped and eaten found out last night it was the bloody magpies, netted before but they got in now large stones all round bottom of net if that doesnt work it'll have to be the shotgun!! Any magpie recipes anyone?


      • #18
        Originally posted by sallyw View Post
        beautiful sweetcorn which over the last 3 days has been stripped and eaten found out last night it was the bloody magpies, netted before but they got in now large stones all round bottom of net if that doesnt work it'll have to be the shotgun!! Any magpie recipes anyone?
        Glad I read this! Our sweetcorn are just ripening. I will be out tomorrow with net! Sorry no recipes


        • #19
          Veggiewomble don't give up keep trying and learn from the mistakes we all make.
          this is my first year with the Allotment and i have been lucky and had lots of good veg but some disapointments. We are blessed with this marvellous forum and so many helpful and experienced gardeners willing to pass on usefull advice to help us.
          When you have overcome the probs you are experiencing you to will be able to pass on your experiences and techniques to other new gardeners in a similar sittuation to your own.
          If at first you don't succeed try try again.


          • #20
            Every year I try Aubergines , enticed by the pretty fruit.
            I tried red egg this year.
            I have never had one Aubergine.

            Cougettes work great but I find
            1) they get mildew
            2) They dont seem to last too long ( even if picked )
            So I grow some more a bit later sown to replace duffers.

            Also I used to love growing nice big onions. But at this house I think we have eel worm and they all grow distorted.

            So I think the moral is
            If at first you don't succeed try again and then give up and try something else.
            Expect the worst in life and you will probably have under estimated!


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