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Compost contamination?


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  • Compost contamination?

    Hello there,

    I sent my husband out yesterday to get some compost so i could get planting my late crop of potatoes. He came back with "B&Q Multipurpose Compost" and i set to work.

    However, the compost seems to have a bit of a creosote smell to it so i am wondering if it is safe to plant food crops in it. It doesn't say you can't use it for veg Has anyone used this before?

    It says on the bag that it is made from by-products of the forestry industry but surely they aren't allowed to compost creosoted materials???

    Hope someone can help.

  • #2
    Possibly the resin from the wood chips smells a bit, also i bet the compost did not have much air in it and has become a bit pongy, give it a fluff up and get the air into it, could also have got wet and mouldy like.

    There are strict guidelines on what can/cannot go into compost, and how hot it has to get to kill off bacterias etc...

    It will be fine, i bet it has not been stored very well at b&q.
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    • #3

      Btw, Welcome to the vine.
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      • #4
        I've used B &Q Multipurpose compost before. Had really good results. Maybe your nose is a tad oversensitive? If you really don 't think it's right then take it back and get a refund.


        • #5
          I use this compost all the time so far so good.
          Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
          and ends with backache


          • #6
            Thank you all, you have re-assured me that it is all ok

            I do perhaps have an over sensitive nose - just thought my OH had a none functioning one!

            Oh and thanks for the welcome, its only taken me a year to get around to posting, lol!
            Last edited by tilly_tallulah; 28-07-2008, 02:37 PM.


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