Does anyone know if any potatos you plant yourself and grow taste more or less the same? For example: the potatos we have grown, we don't know what they are, as they were already in the ground when we took over the allottment, were absolutely delicious tasting, quite sweet with a yellow appearance (when cooked). As we have eaten the last of these lovely potatos, could we get the same flavour if we say got a shop bought one and put it in the ground? Basically, what I'm trying to ask is: Is it how you grow them that gives them the flavour, or is it down to the variety?
It is our first ever time of growing food....can't you guess?
Does anyone know if any potatos you plant yourself and grow taste more or less the same? For example: the potatos we have grown, we don't know what they are, as they were already in the ground when we took over the allottment, were absolutely delicious tasting, quite sweet with a yellow appearance (when cooked). As we have eaten the last of these lovely potatos, could we get the same flavour if we say got a shop bought one and put it in the ground? Basically, what I'm trying to ask is: Is it how you grow them that gives them the flavour, or is it down to the variety?
It is our first ever time of growing food....can't you guess?