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  • Potatoes

    Hi all,
    i have seen a thread about winter potatoes,
    can anybody tell wot sort to grow and when to sow them,
    and do you get them like onion sets,or do you chitt them/


  • #2
    all my winter potatoes, are ones that sprouted from the supermarket ..... i really must get organised ...... though i'm going to try some potato fruit seeds and see if they get anywhere


    • #3
      were saving some of our first earlies to plant


      • #4
        Originally posted by markwcel View Post
        were saving some of our first earlies to plant

        Cheapest that way. You don't need to chit them.

        Good idea though to think something blight resistant.


        • #5
          Hello I need to know wot sort,and when to sow them,and can you put the ones from the supermarket in the ground for winter


          • #6
            Usually people grow 'new' potato types in the Autumn Finney as they don't need such a long growing period, the potatoes will only realyy grow as long as the tops are growing & if you're growing them outside this will normally be until the frosts come. You can buy seed potatoes especially for this from some garden centres or mail order companies, Charlotte & Carlingford are popular varieties, I'm trying Carlingford in a tub this year. If you want to try using some from the supermarket instead just buy any that are labelled 'New' potatoes, preferably Scottish if they have any. You don't need to chit them just plant them in the ground or in tubs or bags around the beginning of August so that they have time to put on some growth before Christmas. If you leave them in the ground the tops will blacken with heavy frosts but the potatoes underground should be O.K., they just won't grow any bigger, you can help protect them by mulching around them with compost or covering with fleece. If you want to try some in a bag you could keep them in a cool greenhouse over winter & they should carry on growing.
            Into every life a little rain must fall.


            • #7
              I got cold stored early Bambino seed potatoes from Dobies and planted them 2 weeks ago. You just plant them as soon as you get them and the warm soil springs them into life. I'm already seeing a few leaves popping through. This is the first time I've tried growing potatoes this late and don't know what to expect but from what I have read I shall dig one plant up late October / early November to see what I've got..


              • #8
                Originally posted by finney View Post
                Hello I need to know wot sort,and when to sow them,and can you put the ones from the supermarket in the ground for winter
                Potatoes are tender. They will die if they get frosted, and won't grow if they are cold.
                Spuds are not a winter crop, although some people try and plant in August for a Xmas crop. I've tried it, it's never happened for me
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9
                  I used left over seed potatoes from earlier in the year. They'd sprouted, so I planted those and they're going great guns, now! Maybe they'll be too early for Chrimbo, but I feel most virtuous, working on my second crop!

                  Have planted supermarket sprouted ones before (when I was 8) and they grew nicely, even though I was way Oop North at the time. That was in the summer. If I were you, I'd just choose a variety/ies I like, chit them and try it!


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