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chillies in conservatory


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  • chillies in conservatory

    Hi everyone I'm new to this forum and please forgive me but I'm new to all of this growing your own, but I'm giving it a go and so far loving it. I am living in France (not that it makes a difference).

    So far I've grown vine tomatoes, spanish tomatoes, courgettes (yellow and green), celery.

    I've got beetroot, carrots, cucumbers, beans, radishes growing too and also two pepper plants which have only grown one green pepper each which I've now removed as I read a thread on here that if you take them off it should encourage others to grow, I do hope this works as they now look bare....

    Anyway to my question, I have some chilli seeds and would really like to grow some but on the packet it say's I'm too late, but can I grow them in the conservatory instead?

    Many thanks for reading


  • #2
    You could have a go at starting them off now, but they'll probably go dormant over the winter due to decreased light levels. Not everyone's successful at overwintering them either. The worst that'll happen is they'll die and you have to try another lot next year, the best is that they'll have a massive head-start over ones started off next year so you could have a bumper crop. I'd give it a go, but don't expect anything off them this year.

    Mrs J


    • #3
      I would recommend waiting until next year - the seed probably won't have expired (should have a "Sow by" date on the packet) but don't keep it anywhere to hot, or anywhere damp.

      Chillies take quite a while to get going and fruit, in my experience, and it is a bit hard to get them to survive through the winter.

      If you've got plenty of seed sown some now, and the rest next year?
      K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


      • #4
        chilli's will grow any time of year if can use grow lights and keep temps up, even energy saving bulbs will get them started of growing :-)


        • #5
          Thank you all for your messages, I've decided to have a go with a couple of seed tonight and then if it doesn't work I'll do the rest next year when I'm meant to.

          Thanks once again x


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