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Result! but lets not get too carried away.


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  • Result! but lets not get too carried away.

    Hello all, I haven't been on this site for a while and had forgot how good it was.

    Anyway, as i said when i first logged on I am very very new to this grow your own veg and i am still sorting out my plot so i haven't really got going this year yet but i have big plans for next year, however and don't laugh I HAVE TOMATOES! my mom gave me a plant (which i didnt even know was tomotoes) which i planted (and now i know what it is, i planted it in the complete wrong place but it has flowered) and i have tomotoes growing on it i am so chuffed.

    Is there anything I can do to ensure i get at least a few tomotes off it anything i need to look out for? Or should i just let it do its thing.


    Also good news my lime tree is coming back (thought it had died) amazing green leaves on it and the olive tree is doing well. Fingers crossed for all.

    Well chuffed

    Oh ye any suggestions for what i can start growing now as it is quite late in the season.


    Somedays your up, somedays your down, but you have to make the best of everything

  • #2
    Well done on your tomatoes, Bloom. Can you get hold of any tomato food - it's available in all garden centres and a lot of supermarkets. A bit of that in the water once a week will help your toms along.

    If you can get any seeds of Spring Cabbage they can go in now. Sprinkle a few (a dozen cabbage plants go a long way!) onto some compost in a small pot and barely cover them. I did this last week and mine now have 2 leaves each. When they are a couple of inches high, transplant them to where you want them to grow. The packet will give you the spacings.

    You can grow spicy oriental salad leaves now too. Mizuna etc. Look for the seeds in a good garden centre.

    Good luck - you're on the right track.
    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


    • #3
      thanks flummery, i have got some Mizuna seeds free with this mag this month so am giving them ago, will try some spring cabbage as well.

      am slowly but surely getting going i just have to keep up the hard work it will be all worth it. tiny steps towards a lovely plot :-)

      so excited I have tomatoes yippee
      Somedays your up, somedays your down, but you have to make the best of everything


      • #4
        Well done you *claps hands* Good fun this growing lark isn't it.

        As Flum said, a bit of tomato food once a week, other than that, do you know about pinching out the side shoots? If not, take a look here, but don't get too bothered about it, if you have tomatoes then you must be doing it right.

        A lime tree and an olive tree in Rugby, I think you're doing better than me already.
        A garden is a lovesome thing, God wot! (Thomas Edward Brown)


        • #5
          Carrots are also good to grow for a good few months yet.


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