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Pepper plant snapped


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  • Pepper plant snapped

    I put my pepper plant outside to pollunate the flowers, but the rain was so hard it has snapped my plant in half. i little bit is still attached. Do yuo think if i tape it up with a plaster and splint it might recover???

    I was just thinking that you leave a hinge like that on trees for hedging and they survive??

    I have dyslexia so please excuse my spelling and grammar

  • #2
    I know people have taped up toms and they have survived; so give it a go. Stake it well though, and give it a good feed. Poor thing; I moved my Alberto Locota last night before it got blown over, I just happened to look out at it and it was just about to go over. Phew!


    • #3
      Worth a try I'm sure. I gaffer taped up a tomato stem at the weekend. The fruit was so heavy it had started to tear off. They're looking all right, so fingers crossed


      • #4
        I've taped stems before, or sort of supported broken ones with canes and string - worked fine so good luck.
        I don't roll on Shabbos


        • #5
          right just come hoem and sellotaped it up.

          looking a little floppy up top.
          I'm mainly really annoyed at myself for leaving it out. this is 1 of 2 that survived the snail war!!!! i planted 30.
          I have dyslexia so please excuse my spelling and grammar


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