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at last some good news.


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  • at last some good news.

    Well the happiest day I have been waiting for has now arrived, I have been offered my first allotment and am going to meet up with the site manager and have a look around.

    It is not the area I wanted but it is still only about 2 miles away maximum, so nice and close.

    I am wondering if there is anything I should be specifically asking the manager when i go round to see him.

    am really excited like a little child again, I was intending to go and have a chat with some of the other allotmenteers to chat about things too.

    probably a silly question but do you get much trouble on allotments i.e. vandals and stuff being stolen.

    Anyway an allotment how cool is that.

  • #2
    Well done! A few q's to be getting on with:

    Are you allowed bonfires, a shed (or greenhouse), fruit bushes/trees, chickens/bees.

    Is there a shop/tools to borrow.

    Is there trouble with vandals at the site.

    Is there clubroot in the soil.

    Are there pesky rabbits.


    • #3
      Get the boundaries of your plot clearly marked by the site manager! this is a must, make sure where the paths are!
      Better to do it now than have problems later......oh so much better!
      Make sure you have a contact number for site manager

      great news have fun on your plot!
      Last edited by Headfry; 09-09-2008, 10:18 AM.


      • #4
        Also, is there any help available with regard to plot clearing (assuming that it looks like jungle!)


        • #5
          ask about water supply if there is one, if there are any printed rules and regulations (i didnt get given any and broke rules i didnt know existed )
          access times - our site is double locked at certain times!! so only comiittee members can get in
          whereabouts in yorkshire are you? oohh and congratulations on your new plot
          The love of gardening is a seed once sown never dies ...


          • #6
            Thanks for the advice all

            Hans mum I am based in outwood wakefield. so not all that far.


            • #7
              Note that not all lotties have a committee or even a proper site manager. The one where I have just got a plot is pretty much self managed and not really many rules. Basically so long as you don't annoy your neighbours then you can do what you want which I quite like but you don't get the advantages of any shared equipment / facilities etc. Anyway, what I'm saying is that it's worth asking about how it's managed.

              Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

              Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


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