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Blight debris?


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  • Blight debris?

    After finally giving up on my toms after blight, I have chopped up the plants and am mid big clear up. I wonder if anyone can help advise me re. the following questions

    - Can I use the soil from the tom grow bags for my flowers beds?
    - Can I out the tom debris in the brown bin for (council) composting?
    - Can I eat the toms that do not have black marks but were on a blight infectected plant?
    .. or should I dump the lot?
    Many thanks

  • #2
    I personally wouldn't use the soil anywhere on the garden as I'd rather get the spores as far away as possible but theoretically you could use it well away from any tomato / potato plants.

    Not sure if I should but have been known to put the debris in our greens council bin - have been told that they way they compost it has much higher temperatures which kills the spores - would be interested to know if this is true.

    Yes you can eat the toms, if they look OK then eat them. If they're still green then make chutney, shame to waste.

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