I've had quite a good year with peppers both sweet and chilli. I've grown ...
Sweet Banana - still ripening, but lots of fruit 1st one just about to be ready
Sweet California Wonder - well, they're ok but a bit on the small size
Chilli Cayenne - long, slim, scary hot lookin' beasts! Loads of them
Chilli Fresno - lovely crop of chillis, lots of red ones, great taste
Chilli Jalapeno - quite prolific and lovely flavour. No contestants for the Chilliman challenge though!
Chilli Joes Long Cayenne - sh*t kicking!
Sweet King of the North - good volume but size smallish - just turning red
Sweet Lipstick - wonderful, can't recommend highly enough!
Sweet Nardello - absolute star, enormous crop, ripening well
Chilli Pretty In Purple - went in late and have only tiny little purple chillis
Chilli Red cherry - prolific but slow to ripen (they were last year too)
Sweet Torro Rosso - THE BEST, GROW IT ALWAYS!
Chilli Winks Yellow Hot - wonderful find, prolific, quick to ripen and EVIL
(think I might have overdone it - chilli chutney anyone?)
Sweet Banana - still ripening, but lots of fruit 1st one just about to be ready
Sweet California Wonder - well, they're ok but a bit on the small size
Chilli Cayenne - long, slim, scary hot lookin' beasts! Loads of them
Chilli Fresno - lovely crop of chillis, lots of red ones, great taste
Chilli Jalapeno - quite prolific and lovely flavour. No contestants for the Chilliman challenge though!
Chilli Joes Long Cayenne - sh*t kicking!
Sweet King of the North - good volume but size smallish - just turning red
Sweet Lipstick - wonderful, can't recommend highly enough!
Sweet Nardello - absolute star, enormous crop, ripening well
Chilli Pretty In Purple - went in late and have only tiny little purple chillis
Chilli Red cherry - prolific but slow to ripen (they were last year too)
Sweet Torro Rosso - THE BEST, GROW IT ALWAYS!
Chilli Winks Yellow Hot - wonderful find, prolific, quick to ripen and EVIL
(think I might have overdone it - chilli chutney anyone?)
