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meeting the site manager tonight


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  • meeting the site manager tonight

    Good morning all,

    I am meeting the site manager at the allotments where I am being offered a plot, I have all my questions thanks to you lovely people.

    I went for a snnek preview last night with my wife and kids,to my surprise they were all very excited (except the 6 month old who was just wondering at what was going on.) and were throwing me sugestions on what we should grow, so far I will have a plot of carrots tomatoes and potatoes...........Carrots and tomatoes from my 5 year old and potatoes from the good lady.

    Just hope everything goes well but will keep you all posted.

    So if I get it i promise to take some photo's from start to finish. and post them accordingly.

  • #2
    Ooh, good luck! Have to say I think it's fabulous that your kiddie wants carrots and tomatoes. Are you going to let him/her look after 'his/her' crop?

    Ooh it sounds all 'Good Life'-ish! I want a kiddie, now, so I can garden with them!


    • #3
      Both little girls,

      I would like to think she would want to look after her own, but I have a sneeky suspicion that she will tell me what she wants I will do all the hard work and she will eat it, thats kind of how it goes at the moment.......bless.

      Saying that I think she will give me a hend with digging as she loves to dig for worms.....


      • #4
        Great news, I hope it goes well.

        You'll notice great benefits for your children, we've got a six year old and although she is a good eater anyway she has really done well.

        By helping in the allotment she has built up a great awareness of the types of vegetables and how they grow, she enjoys eating the veg 'she grew herself' and has helped harvest.

        She did a talk in class last year on runner beans, how they grow from seed, how they are pollinated and how they are harvested, prepared and cooked. her teacher was amazed with her.

        In fact her friend who is 5, now knocks on our door and says 'can I come to the allotment?' she loves it so much too.

        Digging, picking, caterpillar hunting, looking for frogs, running around in the fresh air. If only more parents got from in front of the TV and growing their own I can't help but think we would live in a better world.

        Good luck with the plot and I hope your kids enjoy it as much as ours does!
        'People don't learn and grow from doing everything right the first time... we only grow by making mistakes and learning from them. It's those who don't acknowledge their mistakes who are bound to repeat them and do no learn and grow. None of us are done making mistakes or overflowing with righteous wisdom. Humility is the key.'
        - Thomas Howard


        • #5
          Thanks Middlefield,

          Yep she absoloutly loves it, we currently have a 17/18 foot by 3.5 foot raised bed in the garden which we grow small amounts of broad beanns runner beans peas carrots beetroot leeks then we have tomatoes and caugets and cucumbers in pots it is great to see her go down the garden and just pick fresh tomatoes and fresh peas and eat them but also enjoy them, but I must admit that it will be nice to actually taste some myself.

          The other weekend I was complaining to my wife about how bad it was we have all these green tomatoes and not one is getting ripe when she informed me that we have had loads but both her and little one have been eating them when she gets back from school, I really don't mind but it will be nice to be able to pick a load and actually be able to try them myself.........

          anyway cheers for the support.


          • #6
            I'd get some onions and garlic in there, if you're quick you could start some overwintering japenese onions right away. You've then got garlic too, autumn planting at the end of the month or spring planting in Jan/Feb.

            Good luck



            • #7
              Ooh, there's nothing quite as exciting as a new plot (but then, I do lead a very sheltered life) Your kids will love it and I'm sure they'll be asking for their own little patch in time. Good luck.
              Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


              • #8
                Gotta the risk of being a geek...I'm really excited for you too. We're in our first year and starting planning overwintering and next year's planting scheme and the fun is def not wearing off. We've got our first young 'un currently "under development," and s/he will be with us on the plot from the outset early next year. Can't think of anything better than to get them outdoors and into a bit of nature. Sure your girls will love it with their own crops.
                Good luck and we'll watch for the piccies. :-)
                "You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think" - Dorothy Parker


                • #9
                  Good luck I'm too waiting to hear off a farmer to see if he will let me take over a run down veg plot . I'm trying not too plan anything at the moment just in case I dont get it. But sad I know I keep having dreams about what I can plant ....


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by helly View Post
                    sad I know I keep having dreams about what I can plant ....
                    That's sad is it??
                    Warning: I have a dangerous tendency to act like I know what I'm talking about.


                    • #11
             did it go then? Lots of work I imagine?

                      Do come back and let us know how you got on greenfingers007!
                      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                      Diversify & prosper


                      • #12
                        If only more parents got from in front of the TV and growing their own I can't help but think we would live in a better world.

                        totally agree with that Middlefield

                        I got half a plot about a month ago 4 foot in weeds and brambles an got the kids involved straight away cant say they were mega excited especially the 16yr old but they have helped even if sometimes begrudgingly but on the quiet i think they enjoy it.

                        It is soooooooo adictive so much so the other night was speaking to the site manager an took on another plot next door which is even more overgrown but new if i didnt i would regret it. So plenty of hard slog in front for us and i cant wait.

                        Good luck Greenfingers 007 getting the kids involved is fantastic i worked in a high school canteen and you would not believe how some kids had never herd of spinach and some even swede, how sad is that. Dont forget to keep us posted.


                        • #13
                          Well good morning all.

                          I am now the proud owner of a 7 yard wide and 38 - 40 yard long allotment, wait wait as the best is yet to come, walking around the site with the site manager and my eldest who all the way round kept shouting "dad look at the size of that" going past all the overgrown patches thinking this is mine as the brambles are bigger than me.... Site manager kept saying no thats not yours, he took me to set of four plots and said that is yours if you want it I looked and all i could see was a plot with brambles and weeds about two foot tall, I asked him if there was anyone who could help me clear it up! he said why, so i ponted out to him that it was slightly overgrown as although I would not mind doing the work myself some help would be apreciated he then laughed and pointed out mine it was amongst four or five that the council had de-weeded and plowed, so I have no clearing cleaning just have to plan how I am going to have my patch. My little one was sooooo pleased at that prospect also.

                          I feel so lucky that there is no clearing to do. I will be down there tonight with my good lady and then again at the weekend so expect some photo's soon........

                          Cheers for the encouragement all.


                          • #14
                            Congratulations, that's brilliant


                            • #15
                              congratulations and lucky you


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